Brian McBride replied to the topic 'Autofocus failure' in the forum. 2 years ago

I am not familiar with the code, but as far as I can see, the outstep multiplier is not used when computing the 'requestedPostiion' at which to start the second pass. In most cases when calling the setupSecondPass method its uses the default margin value of 2, except in one case when its running of road, it has a last fling with 0.5.

When I wrote 'initial step multiplier' I meant 'outstep multiplier'. Basically I'm suggesting that if it was preferred not to change the UI and create a parameter to allow the user to set the margin value, then using the outstep multiplier somehow might make sense.

Another route might be to figure out how to set a backlash value. I haven't figured out yet why that's disabled, but I'm guessing it might need a change in the GPhoto driver to enable it.


Brian McBride created a new topic ' Autofocus failure' in the forum. 2 years ago

I'm getting autofocus failures because, at the end of the first pass, the focus is not moved back out far enough to start the second pass. Sometimes it moves far enough. Sometimes not. I'm using the linear algorithm.

I had a look at the code and found:

// Arbitrarily go back "margin" steps above the best position.
// Could be a problem if backlash were worse than that many steps.
requestedPosition = std::min(static_cast<int>(firstPassBestPosition + stepSize * margin), maxPositionLimit);

The margin value used is 2.

I have changed that to 8, rebuilt from source and confirmed that with a larger margin value the focus is moved far enough to start a second pass.

Is there any interest in modifying the code to either allow some user control of the margin value or having a different default value (maybe min(2, half the initial step multiplier) )?

[Hardware = EOS R + canon 300mm, driver = GPhoto]


Brian McBride created a new topic ' DSLR autofocus backlash' in the forum. 2 years ago

I was pretty gobsmacked to discover that the Ekos/Indi autofocus could drive my Canon EOS-R + Canon 300mm and get better focus with dimmer stars than I can otherwise - some of the time.

It doesn't work reliably. I'm using the linear algorithm and it tracks down the curve nicely, past the point of optimum focus and then does a big jump out and a smaller one back in. With my setup its not going far enough back. Sometimes it does go far enough back - just. Sometimes it doesn't and goes off into the weeds.

I can't set a backlash value (I'm using the GPhoto driver). The options field is disabled.

I've been looking at the code. I'm looking at LinearFocusAlgorithm::setupSecondPass where it sets the value its tracking back to

    // Arbitrarily go back "margin" steps above the best position.
    // Could be a problem if backlash were worse than that many steps.
    requestedPosition = std::min(static_cast<int>(firstPassBestPosition + stepSize * margin), maxPositionLimit);

That may be what's causing my problem.

I can't set a backlash value in the backlash options field because it is not enabled. The code above doesn't reference a backlash value at all - but that would be consistent with the linear algorithm's approach of avoiding backlash rather than actively compensating for it.

I could just change the default value for margin (2) until its big enough for my case. But that's a bit crude. I could try adding a margin field to the options in the UI - but that is a bit ugly as it overlaps whatever backlash support there is.

What's the right answer?



Brian McBride replied to the topic 'plate solving issues' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion Grimaldi.

It turns out it is exactly those settings that were causing the problems I was having on Pi which I now have working, polar alignment and all. I'm pleasantly surprised by how quickly it solves. Now if I could persuade it to download the images a bit quicker. Working on that.


Brian McBride replied to the topic 'plate solving issues' in the forum. 3 years ago

That would be operator error.

When the image was recorded Ekos didn't know where the telescope was pointing. Possibly held the result of an old plate solve.

When asking the solver to solve an image, I was expecting it to do it blind. My bad.

I'm assuming my guesses about what the scale numbers in the logs meant was not too far off? Is there anything I can read about how the solvers work and how to interpret the logs (other than the code)? I'll ask my favourite search engine.

Possible enhancement would be to have an option to force a blind solve. Probably not worth the extra complexity in the UI or the effort..

Now that I know what's going on I can get on with investigating why the Pi is not plate solving captured images.

Thank you for your help.


Brian McBride replied to the topic 'plate solving issues' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Jasem,

Thanks for looking at this.

Both files are in this directory:



Brian McBride created a new topic ' plate solving issues' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm having trouble using the new topic editor.  Is there any documentation anywhere?  I'm gonna try <code> and hope it doesn't screw up again.

I can use Ekos on my mac to plate solve and polar align.  I'm trying to switch to a Pi and plate solving is failing. 

I can point my 'scope' at the sky, plate solve with the Pi and have it fail, then immediately switch to mac without changing anything and the mac plate solve works.

To investigate this I've been trying to create a reproducible test case of an image that I can use load and slew to plate solve that will work on the mac but fails on the pi.  And load and slew is behaving in an unexpected way, even on the mac.

I have the same image , laptop-3, in 3 formats. 
  • a .fits file captured and stored by the ekos camera module
  • the matching .CR3 raw file (from the camera SD card) from which the .fits file was derived
  • a .fit file produced by using Siril to convert the .CR3 raw file from the camera to .fit format

Load and slew will solve the .CR3 file, the Siril produced .fit file but not the .fits file saved by the camera module.  Log file attached of load and slews of those three files in that order.

For the first two files 8 solvers with different fields of view are created.  "Solver # 2, Low 2.91094, High 11.3438 arcminwidth" succeeds. 

I'm guessing that 2.9x to 11.34xx is the range of field of view widths the solver will search.  The scope's fov width is about 10.3 degrees (200mm lens, full frame sensor) so that is what one would expect.

For the third file, only one solver is started with a scale range of "Scale range: 17.6923 to 26.5384 arcsec/pixel" which is wrong (if I've interpretted the log correctly).  And the single solver fails.

Presumably something in the fits header (attached) tells it to restrict the search.  I may have misconfigured something to cause an error in the fits header.  I know the scope aperture is wrong 74 instead of  50, but that doesn't seem like a likely cause.

Any thoughts on what might cause this behaviour?



Having a bit of trouble figuring out how to use the editor to create a question

I have been successfully using Ekos polar alignment on mac laptop and am trying to switch to using a Pi running Ubuntu.  Polar alignment is failing on the Pi because plate solving is failing.I did some tests with the camera (EOS R) pointing at the sky and asking Ekos on the Pi to plate solve.  When it failed, quickly switching to the Mac where it succeeded.I have been trying to create a reproducible test case for plate solving using load and slew and am seeing some unexpected behaviour.I have a test image, laptop-3, taken using the laptop.  I used the camera module to capture and store the image as a fits file.  I have three version of the image.  laptop-3.fits captured by the camera module, laptop-3.CR3 - the matching file from the SD card in the camera, and  This last file is laptop-3.CR3 converted to fit format using Siril.I have used load and slew to load and plate solve each of these three files on both the mac and on the pi.  These are the results:Ekos on the Pi does not seem to recognise .CR3 files in the load and slew file selector, so I can't try that option.  Otherwise, it would appear that Ekos cannot solve the fits file recorded by the camera module, but can solve the original .CR3 file from the camera and a conversion of that file to .FIT. format done by Siril.  I do not know whether this behaviour is related to my real issue which is plate solving, and thus polar alignment not working on my Pi.  But maybe.I have attached a log file from the mac attempting 3 solves, first laptop-3.CR3, then, then laptop-3.fits.  For the first 2 files, 8 solvers are started and in both cases solver 2 ( "Solver


sorry - those logs are pretty unreadable due to reformating :(


After some success with Ekos, i'm trying to switch from a mac to a Raspberry Pi running ubuntu 21.10.  I think I need a recent Ubuntu get libraw20 to support CR3 raw files generated by me EOS R.  Mostly looks good but plate solving, and thus the polar alignment tool, are failing on the Pi but are fine on the mac - well almost.

The  solver will capture and solve and polar align fine on the mac, but fails on the pi.  Seems to capture fine, but fails to solve.  I'm using the internal solver.  Same configuration on both mac and pi with same index files loaded.
The solver will load and slew fine on the mac from .CR3 raw files, but not from .fits files captured by indi/ekos using the camera module.
Load and slew on the Pi does not see .CR3 files, only .fit(s) files.
Load and slew on the Pi will solve .fit files created by Siril by converting from .CR3 files but will not solve .fits files captured by indi/ekos

I have two test images in three flavours so that I'm testing the same underlying image in different situations.  The images are laptop-1 and laptop-2 and the variations are: the original raw file from the camera card, the .fits files captured by the Ekos camera module, and the .fit files created by converting from the original raw files using Siril.  The images were captured using the mac.  Sadly I don't have any images captured by the Pi in raw .CR3 format.

There is possibly more than one thing going on here.  Key may  be the fact that if the camera module captures an image and stores it as a CR3 raw file, the file will plate solve with load and slew, but if it converts and stores it as a .fits file load and slew fails.  Doesn't crash - the solver just fails to find a solution.

My real issue, which is to get polar alignment working on the Pi may be related or may be something else.  The load and slew issue can be bench tested.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  Pi 4 with 8G
  Ubuntu 21.10
  KStars version 3.5.5 Stable
  libindi-bin: 1.9.2-202109131712~ubuntu21.10.1
  libraw: libraw20:arm64 0.20.2-1ubuntu3

  MacBook Pro 8G Big Sur 11.6
  Kstars 3.5.3 Stable

I can't find the log files!  So two console logs - first a successful solve of a CR3 file and the failing of its .fits equivalant.  The console logs are in reverse order.

successful solve of CR3 file on mac [[ (attempted solves after slewing elided)2021-10-31T16:29:28 Slewing to target coordinates: RA (00h 47m 26s) DEC ( 41° 22' 17").2021-10-31T16:29:28 Solution coordinates: RA (00h 47m 26s) DEC ( 41° 22' 17") Telescope Coordinates: RA (00h 47m 28s) DEC ( 00° 00' 00")2021-10-31T16:29:28 Solver RA (11.55813) DEC (41.25085) Orientation (-92.31929) Pixel Scale (5.68153) Parity (neg)2021-10-31T16:29:28 Solver completed after 9.50 seconds.2021-10-31T16:29:28 Shutting down other child solvers2021-10-31T16:29:28 Successfully solved with child solver: 22021-10-31T16:29:28 Field parity: neg 2021-10-31T16:29:28 Field rotation angle: up is -92.3193 degrees E of N2021-10-31T16:29:28 Pixel Scale: 5.68153"2021-10-31T16:29:28 Field size: 10.6051 x 7.08769 degrees2021-10-31T16:29:28 Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (00:46:13.951, +41:15:03.054).2021-10-31T16:29:28 Field center: (RA,Dec) = (11.5581, 41.2508) deg.2021-10-31T16:29:28 Solved with index: 41132021-10-31T16:29:28 Number of Matches: 742021-10-31T16:29:28 Solve Log Odds: 255.6352021-10-31T16:29:28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:28 Child solver: 6 did not solve or was aborted2021-10-31T16:29:28 Child solver: 7 did not solve or was aborted2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 24.2359 to 54.26372021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 54.2637 to 96.30272021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 294.486 to 384.572021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 96.3027 to 150.3532021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 216.414 to 294.4862021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 11.3438 to 25.3984 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 150.353 to 216.4142021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 6.21921 to 24.23592021-10-31T16:29:19 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 0.21365 to 6.219212021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 25.3984 to 45.075 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 137.836 to 180 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 45.075 to 70.3734 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 101.294 to 137.836 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 70.3734 to 101.294 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 2.91094 to 11.3438 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:19 Scale range: 0.1 to 2.91094 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 8, Low 137.836, High 180 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 7, Low 101.294, High 137.836 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 6, Low 70.3734, High 101.294 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 5, Low 45.075, High 70.3734 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 4, Low 25.3984, High 45.075 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 3, Low 11.3438, High 25.3984 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 2, Low 2.91094, High 11.3438 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Solver # 1, Low 0.1, High 2.91094 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:29:18 Starting 8 threads to solve on multiple scales2021-10-31T16:29:18 Stars Found after Filtering: 37732021-10-31T16:29:18 Stars Found before Filtering: 37732021-10-31T16:29:18 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 1-Default profile . . .2021-10-31T16:29:18 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:29:18 There should be enough RAM to load the indexes in parallel.2021-10-31T16:29:18 Note: Free RAM for now is reported as Installed RAM on MacOS until I figure out how to get available RAM2021-10-31T16:29:18 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option. Total Size of Index files: 1.55312 GB, Installed RAM: 8 GB, Free RAM: 8 GB2021-10-31T16:29:18 Automatically downsampling the image by 4

failed solve of equivalent fits file [[

 2021-10-31T16:31:40 Solver Failed.2021-10-31T16:31:40 No stars were found, so the image cannot be solved2021-10-31T16:31:40 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 1-Default profile . . .2021-10-31T16:31:40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:40 There should be enough RAM to load the indexes in parallel.2021-10-31T16:31:40 Note: Free RAM for now is reported as Installed RAM on MacOS until I figure out how to get available RAM2021-10-31T16:31:40 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option. Total Size of Index files: 1.55312 GB, Installed RAM: 8 GB, Free RAM: 8 GB2021-10-31T16:31:40 Automatically downsampling the image by 42021-10-31T16:31:40 Image received.2021-10-31T16:31:32 Capturing image...2021-10-31T16:31:23 Slewing to target coordinates: RA (00h 47m 26s) DEC ( 41° 23' 03").2021-10-31T16:31:23 Solution coordinates: RA (00h 47m 26s) DEC ( 41° 23' 03") Telescope Coordinates: RA (00h 47m 28s) DEC ( 00° 00' 00")2021-10-31T16:31:23 Solver RA (11.55747) DEC (41.26366) Orientation (87.73394) Pixel Scale (5.67536) Parity (pos)2021-10-31T16:31:23 Solver completed after 2.74 seconds.2021-10-31T16:31:23 Shutting down other child solvers2021-10-31T16:31:23 Successfully solved with child solver: 22021-10-31T16:31:23 Field parity: pos 2021-10-31T16:31:23 Field rotation angle: up is 87.7339 degrees E of N2021-10-31T16:31:23 Pixel Scale: 5.67536"2021-10-31T16:31:23 Field size: 10.5884 x 7.0835 degrees2021-10-31T16:31:23 Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (00:46:13.793, +41:15:49.181).2021-10-31T16:31:23 Field center: (RA,Dec) = (11.5575, 41.2637) deg.2021-10-31T16:31:23 Solved with index: 41142021-10-31T16:31:23 Number of Matches: 372021-10-31T16:31:23 Solve Log Odds: 221.7412021-10-31T16:31:23 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 294.486 to 384.572021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 137.836 to 180 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 6.21921 to 24.23592021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 2.91094 to 11.3438 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 54.2637 to 96.30272021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 25.3984 to 45.075 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 150.353 to 216.4142021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 70.3734 to 101.294 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver based Engine with the 1-Default profile. . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 0.21365 to 6.219212021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 0.1 to 2.91094 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 24.2359 to 54.26372021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 96.3027 to 150.3532021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 11.3438 to 25.3984 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 45.075 to 70.3734 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Image width: 6740 pixels, Downsampled Image width: 1685 pixels; arcsec per pixel range: 216.414 to 294.4862021-10-31T16:31:20 Scale range: 101.294 to 137.836 degrees wide2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 8, Low 137.836, High 180 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 7, Low 101.294, High 137.836 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 6, Low 70.3734, High 101.294 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 5, Low 45.075, High 70.3734 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 4, Low 25.3984, High 45.075 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 3, Low 11.3438, High 25.3984 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 2, Low 2.91094, High 11.3438 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Solver # 1, Low 0.1, High 2.91094 arcminwidth2021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting 8 threads to solve on multiple scales2021-10-31T16:31:20 Stars Found after Filtering: 50012021-10-31T16:31:20 Stars Found before Filtering: 50012021-10-31T16:31:20 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 1-Default profile . . .2021-10-31T16:31:20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2021-10-31T16:31:20 There should be enough RAM to load the indexes in parallel.2021-10-31T16:31:20 Note: Free RAM for now is reported as Installed RAM on MacOS until I figure out how to get available RAM2021-10-31T16:31:20 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option. Total Size of Index files: 1.55312 GB, Installed RAM: 8 GB, Free RAM: 8 GB2021-10-31T16:31:20 Automatically downsampling the image by 4


Brian McBride replied to the topic 'Indi 1.9.2 Ubuntu 21.10 Armf' in the forum. 3 years ago

I have been trying apt install indi-full on an rPi running Ubuntu 21.10 and getting
[[The following packages have unmet dependencies:indi-full : Depends: indi-apogee but it is not installable             Depends: indi-qsi but it is not installable             Depends: indi-fishcamp but it is not installable             Depends: indi-fli but it is not going to be installed             Depends: indi-pentax but it is not installableE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


I have Kstars running and I have enough indi installed to drive my mount and camera through Ekos, but I'm getting errors and whilst it seems unlikely, anything going wrong with the installation induces doubt.  Its more likely related to libraw though.



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    Not specified
  • Birthdate
    31. 10. 1921
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    I am not the person I was yesterday