Michael created a new topic ' How does focuser backlash work?' in the forum. 3 years ago


I am using the Celestron SCT focuser with the dedicated driver, that allows for backlash compensation. However, I am not quite clear what that setting actually does e.g. during an autofocus run.

Will the focuser "overshoot" by that amount and come back to the target setting if the direction is reversed e.g. if I want to go from 1000 to 1100 it would go to 1150 first and then move back to 1100 (assuming BL is set to 50)?

Or will it just "add" the backlash to the difference e.g. just move 150 ticks in the above example.

I guess if it is the first variant it would be sufficient to set a BL value that is just high enough to compensate. The second variant would require exact measurement of the the actual backlash.

Thanks for any insight or tips on that subject.
