Fong Zi Hao created a new topic ' Goto Alignment with Kstars' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hello all,
I have managed to control my mount remotely by connecting my Windows 10 laptop(client, running Kstars) to a Raspberry Pi 4(hosting an indi server, connected to EQ3 Pro mount via EQDIR cable.). I am looking to do a GOTO alignment that can be saved for future sessions for a radio astronomy setup that has a field of view of 10 degrees. The radio setup will be like this: 
Mount --> Rpi(Indi server)

Laptop(running Kstars)

Before this, I have done GOTO alignment with EQMOD ASCOM for my optical setup:
Mount --> Laptop(running EQMOD)
Question 1: Can the 'GOTO file' from EQMOD be transferred over to Kstars? As it would be much easier for me to do all the alignment with my original optical setup.
I have read that we can plate solve with a CCD on Ekos for alignment, but such great accuracy is not needed given the large field of view. I would prefer a simpler method instead. 
Question 2: Does Kstars have a built in GOTO alignment tool? For example, the N-Point Alignment on EQASCOM, where we can just click sync on Stellarium for an alignment.
Thanks in advance.