I installed Ekos in the usual way, I think, with ppa. I have checked how to install Qt 3D but it seems quite confusing. Maybe I'm not looking in the correct web.
I also tried to reinstall Ekos with ppa, but nothing changed.
I don't know how to proceed, basically due to my limited knowledge of Linux.



HI, nou,

Thank you very much. This is exactly what I was looking for. But I don't see this button in my current Linux version (3.6.7). I don't know if this button is only visible with a specific configuration of Kstars, or is not implemented in Linux.

Best regards,


Hi, Derek,

I think it is a good idea that EKOS could adjust the exposure to the desired ADU, I don't see any problem if the exposure time does not match your darks. Take at least 50 bias and problem solved. Of course, it is better that dark exposure time match the science images exposure time (and you can save the bias), but as I said, not a serious problem.


Hello, all,

This is my first post on this forum. My name is Fran and I usually work in photometry.

I recently migrated from SGPro (Wndows) to Ekos-Kstars (Linux) and I have been impressed for the excellent work it does: it is very fast and reliable, especially with plate solve, guiding.

The only "but" I have is... when you work in photometry, it is crucial not to saturate the star you are observing. In most programs, you can place a window on the star that covers entirely the star's PSF. Then, a complete statistics are shown, including maximum and average (or median) ADU's inside this window.

I see this option is not implement, and I must hoover the mouse in all the star's PSF, pixel by pixel. This is very problematic and unconfortable, because you can miss a pixel, maybe one saturated. Thus, you can have bitter surprises when you process these images and see that the pixel is saturated or out of linearity range.

It is possible to implement such functionality?




I have the same problem: it seems that QHY6 driver works well when you try to guide for the first time (I guide a Skywatcher EQ8 through EQMod), but if you stop guiding and later you try to restart guiding, the driver fails. Even the QHY6 dissapears from the camera menu and only remains the science CCD (in my case, the SBIG ST-8 XME). It seems this problem is quite common, I know another friend with the same problem.

I'm going to replace the QHY6 by an ASI 120MM, hope this CMOS won't give these problems.

Apart from this but, Ekos seems great: I'm currently migrating from SGPro to Ekos and it is much more lighter than the heavy and slow SGPro. The plate solve and the overall program are very fast compared with SGPro and guiding is fine when the QHY6 works.



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    05. 09. 1970
  • About me
    I work in photometry, mainly in exoplanets, and spectroscopy.