
I've just had a really strange experience. For some reason I could not login to website. I run Arch Linux and use Chromium so I don't know if it has something to do with that but whenever I pressed the login button and attempted to log myself in, I just kept getting kicked back to where I started with no indication of if I had entered the wrong username or password.

Finally I managed to reset my password and login - which I did from a Windows VM then using the link sent via email I could solve the rest from my main Linux desktop. Very strange behavior??? hmm....

Anyway, I just wanted to ask if the Pentax driver for indilib was still in development? My K1 ii used to work but now it has stopped working and I getting many issues regarding the driver itself.

I started a bug report on it in Github: github.com/indilib/indi-3rdparty/issues/775

I tried the camera in both PTP and MSC modes and nothing works. I also tested using my Nikon camera which at first didn't work but that was due to the DE automounting the sdcard. Once unmounted the camera behaved perfectly.

I think the issue might be due to the driver not being able to read the correct name from the usb interface. I don't know if it uses lsusb to determine the name of the camera but it definitely thinks that no Pentax camera is attached.

Conferring with a K5 user, it seems that the driver does seem to work using Stellarmate.

As I run Arch Linux I compiled this version from the AUR: aur.archlinux.org/packages/libindi-git

then re compiled and installed the Pentax drivers from github. So far, I only get error messages. The "bad file descriptor" message is strange. Could I be building the driver with the wrong indilib version or perhaps the wrong libraries?

Thanks for any ideas!

Hoping to get a clear sky tomorrow evening to try the Leo triplet again: photos.app.goo.gl/iMa4ETkv2EzpRmRNA


Kaya Saman replied to the topic 'Nikon DSLR conflict' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I tried to connect my new D500 today and sure I kept getting the indi_nikon_ccd driver crashed, and wouldn't startup at all.

Jasem's libgphoto fix worked!

As I already have a Pentax K1 ii with the 3rd_party inid repo pulled from Github, it was just a matter of updating the libgphoto portion then building.

The fix has already been committed to the master/main branch: github.com/indilib/indi-3rdparty/blob/ma.../indi-gphoto/INSTALL

For now it doesn't crash and allows me to take preview images - as that's all I've tested. Unfortunately I don't have a mount yet so I can't really test it in the field right now :-(

Even though my setup is pretty much lacking everything at this point I still want to say thanks ;-)


Kaya Saman replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 3 years ago

Just wanted to say many thanks for this!

I actually found out about the project through the PentaxForums site which pointed me over here and to the Github repo: github.com/karlrees/indi-3rdparty/blob/m...ndi-pentax/README.md

To start with the driver works for the K1 mkII in both PTP and MSC modes which is fantastic... though playing around I managed to crash my camera in PTP mode and had to remove the battery to unlock it as it wouldn't even power off.

Since then I performed an update on my system and everything seems to be much more stable. :)

I run Arch Linux as an FYI.....

Quick question: is the Live Video function supported?? The only thing I managed to get is a black screen, recording also doesn't seem to work as the file size is 0.

Probably not the place to ask but as a beginner with KStars and indilib I would like to know if Live View is the same thing as Live Video? Or is it referring to the Live View within the camera? I have heard it mentioned many times in my reading on the forum but got confused.



Kaya Saman created a new topic ' Pentax K1 support?' in the forum. 3 years ago


I've just installed indilib on Arch Linux with Kstars and Gphoto2 libraries.

Having read through the supported CCD's, Pentax cameras are supported however, it seems the K1 and mkII versions are not supported.

I also tried connecting my camera then invoking the indi server from command line (I put the camera into PTP mode), this is the result I got:

$ indiserver indi_pentax_ccd
2021-08-06T09:00:43: startup: indiserver indi_pentax_ccd 
2021-08-06T09:00:43: Driver indi_pentax_ccd: Number of cameras detected: 1.
2021-08-06T09:00:43: Driver indi_pentax_ccd: Detected camera model USB PTP Class Camera on port usb:003,010
2021-08-06T09:00:43: Driver indi_pentax_ccd: Failed to find model USB PTP Class Camera in supported cameras.
2021-08-06T09:00:43: Driver indi_pentax_ccd: Falling back to generic name.

Would this be an easily added device or would one have to write a driver for it?



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