Hi guys,

Registered in here hoping for a miracle! :D
This is my setup:

Rpi3B = Astroberry
Canon 600D (connected to Pi with USB for imaging)
Guidecam ASI ZWO 120MM (connected to Pi with USB + ST4 port on the mount)
Mount AZ-Gti ( EQ firmware connected to guidecam by ST4 port )

By reading guides of different equipments, I understood that:

1) I need to connect AZ-Gti to astroberry acess point.  ( I've tried enabling Station mode, then specify SSID + password of astroberry, How can I be sure that it is connected? )
2) Canon 600D and ASI ZWO 120MM needs to be connected by USB
3) I have to setup INDI drivers for each device in Kstars/Ekos.

I've tried setting up these myself but the only device being recognized is ASI guidecam, Canon 600D (turned on with M mode) and Mount are like ghosts.

Is this correct? Which drivers should I set it up Ekos with? Thanks! :D


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    Long live to Astroberry!