I ended up coming up with a solution, however it relies on additional dew control hardware rather than your program correctly detecting the camera's specs. I would appreciate if you would take the time to confer with Altair Astro's tecnnical specialists on altairastro.help. I do not have a programming background, so fixing the gap between your program and their hardware really should not be my responsibility. I can appreciate the open source nature of your program, but I really am not versed in picking through code and making corrections myself. Once again, they want to speak with you about it to get it worked out...


Would it be possible for you to work towards the solution with the camera's tech people by raising a ticket at altairastro.help? I would prefer to both continue using this camera, and continue using this program. I have zero developing background. There is clearly something going on with this program that is not allowing the camera to function properly. The camera's developers are more than happy to get it worked out with you. 


To be honest, I do not personally know how to do much of anything with Linux myself. I started using your program on a Linux machine after the Stellarmate kept losing connecting with my Raspberry Pi over VPN. I do not know how to check flags for what is working or not on pieces of hardware. However, I brought the issue up to Altair Astro, and since the ZWO 2600mc has the Anti-Dew Button, and the Altair camera does in the program NINA, they asked to have "whoever writes NINA" to raise a ticket at altairastro.help so they can address any discrepancy with the SDK info.


I just checked under the Controls tab again, and there was no "Heat" switch. However, I also checked the Windows program N.I.N.A. again on a different laptop, and there was a "Dew Control" button for the camera there that you can turn on or off. Would it be possible to add it to the Controls for the AA26CTEC?


Thanks, I will check again after I am done working today. However, the program N.I.N.A. does have an on/off feature for the anti-dew setting on the Altair 26c.


I am using INDI/EKOS on Ubuntu and have had a problem with the Altair Astro 26C. The camera's control features seem to be missing the ability to turn On or Off the Dew Heater function. I read somewhere that the ZWO 2600mc has the button for the Dew Heater in it's controls, but not so with the Altair version. Does anyone know what I can do to fix the issue? It wasn't a problem in the winter, but now that it is summer in a humid Florida environment, I'm stuck having to stop imaging every five frames and use a hair dryer to remove dew from the AR glass in front of the chip.


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    02. 08. 1921
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