Really helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to explain all that. I'm sure I would have searched about 100 sites to put all that info together so nicely. I can't wait to try it all out, and let you know how it went.

Many Thanks


You were correct, I was out of disk space. Thank you for pointing that out!


Thank you for responding. It was an issue with available disk space. I appreciate you pointing that out.


Really excited to get an EAF the other day.  I received the ZWO 5v EAF and attached it to my Radian Raptor. It's cloudy so I can't really test it out like I want, but I am already stumped by the control panel and the "relative position", "max position", "absolute position" etc.  Trying to find literature on it but only found the focus module instructions for EKOS. Can anyone explain or point me in the right direction to some reference material that will explain this better. I'd like to get the settings right so I don't damage the motor in the EAF. Trial and error makes me nervous with sensitive equipment like this.



Had a sequence going last night and while shooting my bias frames 38/50 files were being saved with 0 bytes of data. I tried a few manual captures and it produced the error of "Image save error: error writing to fits file."  This has never happened before and all lights, darks, flats and even 12 bias frames worked fine.  What is really confusing to me is how mid-sequence image saving would corrupt and persist beyond EKOS/KSTARS restarts and even Astoberry restarts and update checks.  Not sure how to produce a log file for anyone but willing to try if you can provide the steps. Would love to have a deeper understanding of the error.  No code is provided and nothing in the bottom status window.  Thanks in advance to anyone to can help.


Midway through my bias frame sequence, 38/50 frames were saved with 0 bytes of data. When attempting to manually image and save, I was presented the following error: "Image save error: error writing to fits file."  I have never had this and find it odd that the issue would pop up mid sequence, after 12 successful images taken and saved. The issue persists now beyond EKOS/KSTARS restarts and even an Astroberrry update/upgrade/dist-upgrade.  Not sure how to produce a log file for it as there isn't a code given and there is nothing that populates in any of the EKOS status windows at the bottom. Willing to test with anyone who knows the steps.  Thanks in advance for the help.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    03. 11. 1985
  • About me
    Complete beginner. Enjoy this as a hobby right now