In the end it does work!
I used the Alt-Az driver as you suggested, and finally I got the SynScan connected, and StellarMate able to drive the mount.
Thanks a lot.


So... no any more ideas about what's happening?


Here is the result of the socat command.

stellarmate@stellarmate:~ $ socat -v - UDP:

> 2021/07/09 21:04:23.389731  length=3 from=0 to=2
^Cstellarmate@stellarmate:~ $

Using the port 11882 after the Kx command I get a "Connection refused"


I can't try immediately the socat command, I hope to have the possibility tomorrow or after.
Meanwhile I got an idea: is it possible that the connection to the SynScan App on my tablet could inhibit other connections like the one attempted by the INDI driver on the Raspberry? 


This seems to me to confirm that the ethernet connction does exist.This, instead, seems to show an error in the code which continues to use a "serial" connection while it should use the ethernet one.
Am I wrong?


Here are the logs I've got:

[2021-07-06T17:43:30.085 CEST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Websocket Message "{\"type\":\"device_property_set\",\"payload\":{\"device\":\"SynScan\",\"property\":\"CONNECTION\",\"elements\":[{\"name\":\"CONNECT\",\"state\":1},{\"name\":\"DISCONNECT\",\"state\":0}]}}"
[2021-07-06T17:43:30.147 CEST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - SynScan :  "[INFO] Connecting to ... "
[2021-07-06T17:43:30.149 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - SynScan : "[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake... "
[2021-07-06T17:43:30.149 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - SynScan : "[DEBUG] CMD <Kx> "
[2021-07-06T17:43:30.153 CEST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - SynScan :  "[ERROR] Serial read error: Read Error: Connection refused. "
[2021-07-06T17:43:30.154 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - SynScan : "[DEBUG] Handshake failed. "
[2021-07-06T17:43:30.154 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "SynScan"  is disconnected.
[2021-07-06T17:43:30.155 CEST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "SynScan failed to connect.\nPlease ensure the device is connected and powered on."


In reality, during my attempts I always used the bright star alignment; I can't suspect any difference in order to have the telescope able to be connected by the INDI driver.
Today I'll try with the other alignment methods, if it works I'll remain curious about why a different alignment method makes the difference: in the end any method only define the sky model used by SynScan to calculate the movements of the telescope to point at a new object, I can't see any reason to deny the connection; that seems to me a pure software choice for which I can't understand the reasons.


Yes indeed. I connected the SynScan to my home network via WiFi; I can use it through my android tablet with the SynScan App, who shows the IP number found by the scanning of the net. More over the same IP number appears on che connection list of the router (and so the Raspberry does), so I suppose the Raspberry shoud not have problems connecting the SynScan which lays on the same network.


Thanks for your reply Karma, but it did'nt work: same error message.


Hi, as in the subject, I can't get my Dobson working with StellarMate because StellarMate can't connect to the SynScan control.
The INDI driver info I'm using are:
Name: SynScan
Exec: indi_synscan_telescope
Version: 2.0
Interface: 5
Connection Mode: Ethernet
Conection type: TCP

Trying to connect the mount, INDI claims that
"SynScan failed to connect. Please ensure the device is connected and powered on"
The mount is aligned via SynScan Pro App connected via Wifi by the same Wifi Home network used by StellarMate, so the connection is there; obviously the mount is powered on; so I can't see any other fix for the failure.
Where am I wrong?


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    27. 05. 1954
  • About me
    Graduated in Astronomy. Dobson 12" Flextube 300P. ZWO ASI224MC. Rasoberry PI4 running StellarMate.