Phil replied to the topic 'New Polar Align Crashing or Freezing' in the forum. 3 years ago

i installed Kstars/Ekos vis Rob Lancaster script on RPi4 64GB ram. Everything setup/connects and works fine manually ( camera, mount plate solve etc).
When using new Polar Align function Kstar crashes every time. It captures first image, plate solves OK then crashes when attempting to rotate mount 30deg.
I then ran Kstars in ‘gdb -ex run kstars’  mode to get output but instead of crashing the RPi4 Freezes so i cannot get a crash dump.

How can i get diagnostic info for you please???
i cannot test daytime (??)  as i need real plate solve when Polar aligning.. 


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    Amateur astrophotographer, Cambridgeshire, UK. 5 yrs experience on Windows. Recent (2021) migration to Kstars/Indi on RPi4