Issue #1:
The WiFi network I connect to is hidden.  It also supports both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.  I added this network to my Pi4 Stellarmate a month ago and all was working fine.  I could boot up the Pi4 Stellarmate and it would find the network and therefore not turn on the hotspot.  Yesterday, however, it stopped finding the hidden network and always loads the hotspot.  I can manually connect to the hidden network with no problem, however.  If I expose the SSID (no longer hidden) it works fine as well.  On another Pi3 I have that does not run Stellarmate (just out-of-the-box Raspbian) I setup my wifi networks in wpa_supplicant.conf where I can tell it to scan for hidden SSID using "scan_ssid=1".  Out of desperation I tried this on the Stellarmate but no luck.  Seems like the Stellarmate is storing the network configurations somewhere else and probably overriding whatever is in wpa_supplicant.conf?

Issue #2:
I also noticed recently that it was not connecting to the 5Ghz channels and instead always using 2.4Ghz.  Running "iwlist channel" I see 5Ghz channels but they stop at channel 149.  My router is using channel 153.  I changed the router to 149 and it will connect on that channel.  But if I change it back to 153 then it won't.  Does the Pi4 just stop at channel 149?  Or is this possibly a WiFi Localization issue?  I noticed on my Stellarmate that "WiFi Country" is not set in "Preferences | Raspberry Pi Configuration".  I set it to US (I'm in the US) but after rebooting it goes back to not being set.  It appears maybe Stellarmate doesn't use that setting anyway and also perhaps more evidence that maybe wpa_supplicant isn't being used where indeed I have "country=US".

Any advice on these two issues?



Jeff Herman created a new topic ' backup and restore profiles' in the forum. 3 years ago

I am using a 256GB SD card in my Pi4.  Probably overkill but I have an ASI6200MM that puts out huge files and 256GB is still pretty cheap so I went with it.  I want to backup my system but using the common approach of creating a cloned .img of the SD card results in a 256GB image even if I'm only using a fraction of that.  And it takes a long time.  If I had a complete system failure I wouldn't mind just starting from a fresh Stellarmate image and restoring my settings.  Is there a way to conveniently backup and restore all my Ekos profiles and settings that would lay down over a fresh Stellarmate install and get back up and running quickly?


I am new to KStars/Ekos/INDI/Stellarmate. I have a Pi4 8GB with Stellarmate installed and it's working fairly well, other than the Paramount support is not quite there. It's close, but not quite right, and so I need to install and test nightly/beta releases for that driver when fixes make their way out. I am confused on the recommended way to keep things updated as well as how to get beta updates for drivers I might need to try. With other Pi's that I do not use to control astro devices I usually just do sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade. I do this on my Stellarmate as well but there are other options and I just don't know what the recommended procedure. I could use some advice on when to use the following options (and if there are other options besides these):
1. Software Updater icon on desktop: This is set to the Stable channel and I do not see any way to change it to the Beta channel. This thread often refers to setting the channel in the Control Panel but I cannot find a Control Panel so I guess I'm so new to the Stellarmate distro I need help with even something as simple as that.
2. Command-line: update_indi_core and update_indi_drivers
3. Command-line: apt update and apt upgrade

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide,



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