I'm not an expert but, as stated here , to be able to issue the command
<code>sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa</code>
on Raspbian, you need to install the package software-properties-common beforehand with
<code>sudo apt-get install software-properties-common</code>

Hope it's not too late!

May I ask you how you got Nexus DSC / ServoCAT setup to talk to Indi / Ekos?
I've been reading Nexus DSC is LX200 compatible, but I would like to double check before upgrading my setup.

Thx in advanceĀ 


I'm not an expert at all, but as stated in raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/46933 to be able to issue the command
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
inside Raspbian, you need to install the packege software-properties-common beforehand with
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

Hope it's not too late :-)

May I ask you how did you connect the Servocat / Nexus DSC setup with ekos?
I've been reading and it sems like Nexus DSC is comptible with LX200 protocol, but I'm planning on upgrading my setup and would like to double check for indi compatibility.

Thx in advance


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