krypt3r created a new topic ' Strange images with Meade DSI 3 Pro' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hello, people. I hope, you can help me with my Meade DSI 3 Pro camera. I'm new in CCD astrophoto. Last weekend I made some first test sky images with this CCD. What I got, you can see on attached screenshots. What can I do to get normal CCD images?
Some information about my setup.
My astrophoto laptop is Acer Aspire One with Debian Buster.
The software was ccdciel with INDI built from sources.
The telescope is a apochromate 80/480, the mount is HEQ5 Pro.Hello, people. I hope, you can help me with my Meade DSI 3 Pro camera. I'm new in CCD astrophoto. Last weekend I made some first test sky images with this CCD. What I got, you can see on attached screenshots. What can I do to get normal CCD images?
Some information about my setup.
My astrophoto laptop is Acer Aspire One with Debian Buster.
The software was ccdciel with INDI built from sources.
The telescope is a apochromate 80/480, the mount is HEQ5 Pro.