RononDex replied to the topic 'Meridian flip initiated but failed' in the forum. 1 year ago

I am having a similar issue with my Losmandy Gemini G11 as of late:

The meridian flip triggers, but the telescope moves quite slow. I am getting tons of "Meridian flip completed" messages (like at lest a 100) in the log window, combined with thousands of "Mount unparked" (one every second) after that.
I can enable more logs for the next night and upload them here tomorow if that can help.

I have meridian flip set to flip if HA > 2.5°
Manual goto command works without issues.

As John has mentioned, it could be related to when a sequence is running during meridian flip trigger. It seems to trigger many many flips judging by the many "Meridian flip completed" entries in the log window.