Miguel replied to the topic 'PS3 Eye on astroberry server' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Artur,
did you get the way to make it work?
I am just trying to implement that too...


Excellent, thank you very much. Good idea to transform steps into time in the Arduino Code... :-) //


Hi, thanks for the goto code, I can now compile it and make it work on Kstars and CDC .... for the goto commands, that are sent to arduino, I only can manage RA+#, DEC+# types of commands, because I am using the arduinoST4 ino code.... As I see you send codes for your goto, you send a bunch of other commands that are used with you arduino code in the github repo too.
All for your encoders, is it?
Do you have more info on your hardware setup?



Hi all, almost newbie here, but could not get any answer from my search in the forum and the web.
I am trying to run my CG4 Celestron mount from EKOS...
I built the arduino-ST4 hardware, and with it I could connect my mount using windows 7 and EQ MOD drivers.
I see that in the linux version (astroberry) there is the driver for arduino st4, but I do not see it in the mac osx version, which is hte one I am using now.
I do not know how to make it work, then, or dowload it , compile it, etc.
Any ideas?
Any suggestions?


Arkinos (Miguel)


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
    Not specified
  • Birthdate
    26. 04. 1971
  • About me
    Passionate about amateur astronomy. PhD in astrophysics and theoretical physics. Living in Sevilla, Spain