OK, I just fixed mine. I deleted the Canon (and altair) saved config (xml-file) within my .indi folder, and everything was fine afterwards (using new default configs). looks like the old config is not to be used any more after the update.


Hi, unfortunately, I have the same problem after last major update this spring (2024). It used to work super-smooth before.
I found, pixel-settings for the DSLR are set to 0. Well, I changed it to the usual values (Canon eos 1000d), but the effect is still the same.
Same on my altair guiding cam, btw, also no function..
I am missing some instructions here. I guess, it is something very basic, that I am just missing. The only hint is "Check INDI Control Panel for details." But there are no useful details. Right now, I cannot use ekos any more, what is a shame...
Hope, we get help on this soon!


I tried to set the camera to RGB mode in the capture-panel of ekos (not in the indi-control-panel of the altair camera), and it was accepted without crashing. The after that recorded darks looked more to what I would have expected (a few pixels off, but not half the image). Now, that the camera is in RGB mode (not in RAW-12 any more) also guiding was fine. Its not a good solution, but at least a work-around, so I can go out again.

Could also be, that the problem is between the ears of the user...



maybe you have similar problems, or these here sound familiar at least:

After the latest update to kstars 3.6.4 stable (which came together with an indi-update for me), I encounter many many problems:

First: dark frames are no longer usable in the internal EKOS-guider. No clue why. Guider images are always extremely noisy, and just black and pure white (no grey shadings), regardless of checking darks or not.
I assumed, this might come from the FITS/RGB input method of the camera. As soon as I turn it to rgb, kstars crashes (worked before).
Darks in the DB are all valid, by the way. Ambient temperature might not be identical, but this would not show up like this.
Anyways, we leave the camera setting to fits for now, skratch the darkframe database (and filesystem) and record a new one. MAybe its incompatible, but: Same result as before.
The LOOP-Mode combined with darks does not work at all, no image is even displayed.

OK, lets make a break, have a coffee, and start from new.
Startup kstars, launch my indi-profile
Looks good... and crash when the last device was connected.
For no particular reason. The logs do not show anything unusual.

The only way out of this was to delete the profile, and make a new one (which looks exactly the same as the deleted one). Then all is fine again, apart from the dark frames, that still do not work.

Well, since its rainy, why not uninstall everything, and skratch install the whole environment. Maybe something was missing or not properly linked, but it was exactly the same behaviour as before.

My devices:
Skywatcher NEQ6 (Synscan, never made problems in indi, even though using a serial-2-usb converter)
Altair gpcamar0130c (no native driver for linux for that one, thats why I ended up with indi, worked in the past)
Canon EOS 1000d (was also fine with indi until now)
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

But the whole thing can be reproduced just using the altair and a simulator-mount.

The previous version of kstars and indi (before Easter) was fine.

Does someone have similar problems after the latest update? Did someone manage to fix it?
If we cannot fix, does anyone know how to roll-back?

Many Thanks, and clear skies


I installed Ekos after reading your posts. I tried it earlier, and worked, but normally, I do not use it. My issue was that I could not see my cam in PHD (i use the cam as indi-device, since there are no native drivers for linux). It used to work fine, until I installed the update of indilib 1.9 recently. I also tried my phone as an idi-client (using telecope.touch-app), and it could not see the cam either (but all other devices).

First, I changed cables (you never know) , then I restarted the indi-altair-driver, then the indi- server a couple of times, finally the entire laptop, but error seems remaining.
Did one of you guys also updated the entire indi-service/indilib? There came an update recently.


Altair Camera also not detected any further.. I know, that altair and Linux was always tricky... At least, I'm a bit happy, i'm not the only one having problems. But I cannot see any logging information.

Synscan and Joystick were detected, Camera not. Altair gpcamar0130c, mainly used for guiding.


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    30. 09. 1979
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    Amateur Astronomer, Software Engineer