eduard created a new topic ' Incorrect exif data in sony a73' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi, I just did a session using ekos to trigger my sony a73, I defined 2 minutes in dslr module, but when I see exif info in pixinsight I see 30 seconds per shoot instead of 2 minutes.
is it wrong?


Hi to all, I am planning to buy raspi 4 to build an auto-guider, I will use my sony A73 , an skywatcher star adventurer and as an auto-guider camera I was thinking to use raspeberry pi HQ camera.
This is my first doubt is it possible to use HQ camera as guider with PHD2, I am trying to avoid to buy an expensive camera like zwo ASI120MM Mini?
I am trying to find an answer about it , but I do not get it.



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