I am encountering the

Termination Reason:    DYLD, [0x4] Symbol missing

error when attempting to run 3.6.9 stable on Big Sur. The recommendation here is to upgrade to sonoma, but for reasons of other software I cannot upgrade without breaking critical software. Is have not been able to find any earlier .dmg files, I was hoping to install the lastest version that remains compatible Big Sur. Is there a repo to try, a binary package of say 3.6.7?

(additional information from the error for reference, it has been discussed elsewhere in the forum without resoultion but to upgrade as far as I can tell)
Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: __ZTVNSt3__13pmr25monotonic_buffer_resourceE
  Referenced from: /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
 in /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore


Is there a preferred way to implement a HA "safety" I have been tempted to set up an independent INDI client to check the mount position and force a stop if it goes out of range and KSTARS has ceased responding.


I've now had a few issues when running a job from the scheduler that has led to a telescope crash. 

The setup:

  • I have a capture sequence in scheduler to capture HaLRGB, which is fairly short and I typically cycle through it multiple times.
  • The schedule is set up to run this sequence repeatedly until 4am (using the run until checkbox)
  • Astroberry on RbPi 4, 8gb data to an external SSD
  • PhD2 Guiding
  • Meridian flip enabled
  • Watchdog enabled
  • Parking is setup only through the scheduler
The Bug:
  • At some point when restarting the sequence Ekos will report "Cannot Open the Sequence ha_lrgb_sequence.esq"
  • It will then spam this warning endlessly, I believe every time it tries to restart the capture sequence. 
  • The mount/guiding continues, but the meridian flip does not occur.
  • The completed sequence procedure (park the mount) does not occur.
  • The telescope crashes.  
  • The log stops "happily" [2021-04-19T00:52:05.592 PDT INFO ][   org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Received image 19 out of 20."
  • It is difficult to debug because I have to click through what seems to be an infinite number of the popups (I haven't been able to get through all of them)
This has happened two nights in a row.

I don't know that I consider the file read a bug in and of itself.  That could be the sd card on the RbPi.  The bug as I see it is 
  1. The system loops forever and never terminates
  2. In the process of doing this the meridian flip and the shutdown and the sequence are ignored
  3. I would much rather the system go failsafe when this error occurs than to continue forever and potentially ruin my equipment!
I'm happy to assist in any way to help debug etc, although my skills here are limited.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    19. 04. 1982
  • About me
    Physicist by day, dilletant astronomer by night