this is not an INDI issuer per se, but more an issue of the QHY SDK library. Do we have contact to the QHY SDK developers?



when I change the CCD_FRAME settings of my QHY5-II cam with "unsupported" frame size settings (by accidentally choosing wrong subframe settings) , then the driver does not respond with some error messages but simply becomes unresponsive. I cant see a crash but the driver hangs in "GetQHYCCDSingleFrame".
For example frame size 32 pixel with 500 px offset in x-y is working, but the same settings with frame size 16 not. I am wondering how a client can determine which subframes are allowed and which not ...


Blocking ================================
2018-06-17T11:38:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Final binned (1x1) image area is (500, 500), (16, 16)
2018-06-17T11:38:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Current exposure time is 100000.000000 us
2018-06-17T11:38:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] SetQHYCCDBinMode (1x1).
2018-06-17T11:38:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] SetQHYCCDResolution camroix 500 camroiy 500 camroiwidth 16 camroiheight 16
2018-06-17T11:38:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Taking a 0.1 seconds frame...
2018-06-17T11:38:47: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Exposure done, downloading image...
2018-06-17T11:38:47: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Blocking read call.

Not-Blocking ==========================================================================
2018-06-17T11:27:45: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Final binned (1x1) image area is (500, 500), (32, 32)
2018-06-17T11:27:45: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Current exposure time is 100000.000000 us
2018-06-17T11:27:45: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] SetQHYCCDBinMode (1x1).
2018-06-17T11:27:45: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] SetQHYCCDResolution camroix 500 camroiy 500 camroiwidth 32 camroiheight 32
2018-06-17T11:27:45: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Taking a 0.1 seconds frame...
2018-06-17T11:27:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Exposure done, downloading image...
2018-06-17T11:27:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Blocking read call.
2018-06-17T11:27:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Blocking read call finished.
2018-06-17T11:27:46: QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1037db: [DEBUG] Download complete.


Hi Jean-Luc,
>Unless you have already made a try and can confirm that's ok.
Not yet, but I'll do. If everything works as expected I also can provide the corresponding change on github.



during mosaic frame acquisitions you have to perform several goto commands to move from one tile of the mosaic to the next. If the mosaic region crosses the meridian, then several meridian flips can occur which I would like to suppress. I have seen that the GotoParams struct of the eqmod driver already has a member "forcecwup" which seems to do what I want. However this parameter is always false and cannot be changed from outside, i.e. there is not INDI property to set this value to true. Would it be possible to provide such an INDI property?



The dump contains a stacktrace:

#0 0x00000055645b2528 in CEFW::clearError() ()
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x00000055645b2628 in CEFW::getSlotNum(int*) ()
No symbol table info available.
#2 0x00000055645b1550 in ASIWHEEL::Connect() ()
No symbol table info available.
#3 0x0000007faf2772ac in INDI::DefaultDevice::ISNewSwitch(char const*, char const*, ISState*, char**, int) () from /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libindidriver.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#4 0x0000007faf2a91e8 in INDI::FilterWheel::ISNewSwitch(char const*, char const*, ISState*, char**, int) () from /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libindidriver.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#5 0x00000055645b0990 in ISNewSwitch ()
No symbol table info available.
#6 0x0000007faf26a9f8 in dispatch () from /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libindidriver.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#7 0x0000007faf26afe8 in clientMsgCB () from /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libindidriver.so.1

So the problem is within the ZWO SDK which is called by the INDI driver. I think this can only be fixed by the zwo folks.


I think this is the filter driver log file:
Does this file contain some entries / info?


Not sure if the OS is the root cause of the problem ... can you switch on the trace for the filter wheel driver? Actually I forgot how to do that :( but afaik it is possible, there are some trace output statements in the code


Yes, any client will show a similar behaviour ... the root cause of this problem is the crash of the asi filter driver on rock64. I run this driver on a raspberry pi 3 and it woks without problems.


The asi wheel driver crashed at 22;59;26
2017-11-04T22:59:26: Driver indi_asi_wheel: restart #1
after it has connected. When a driver at the server restarts, clients wont get noticed by those restarts, and cannot reconnect. That's the reason why the driver suddenly behaves unresponsive after initial connection.

@Jasem: We started to discuss how to handle driver restarts on the client side ... what do you think. I see this still as a major problem that clients an not automatically reconnect when a driver has restated. Or did you solve this problem in EKOS already?

Btw: The INDI CCD module of the new PixInsight 1,8.5 version is now able to control to external filter wheels ;)


knro wrote:

What about updates and such? How are those handled?
Afaik, you can add a version tag to your docker image. The cool thing is, that due to container isolation, you can run different versions of the INDI library on the same hardware. Special care has to be taken if you change the container, e.g. changing the config file, then you have to commit those changes in order to ensure that the changes don't get lost. It works a bit like git ... Though docker use special Linux kernel features (namespaces), you can run docker on Windows (>= 10) as well. They use the new embedded Linux virtualization on Windows 10 (however currently limited on windows 10 pro...). When windows supports Ubuntu > 14.04, this could be an intereting option to run native indiserver on windws ... just a thought.


Hi Sean,
great contribution! Inspired by your first version I was also woking on a docker container image for the raspberrypi. There is a project "Hypriot" which provides SD card images for the raspberry with a docker framework already installed. I tried it and it works perfectly. There seems to be no measurable overhead of the container technology , it runs even on a raspberry 1. My current idea is to install the indiwebmanager on top of your container. It is then possible to start the docker container as a systemd service so that you dont have to know about starting containers with dockers at all ...



Klaus Kretzschmar replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

I puchased a EFW and tested it immediately. It worked right from the beginning without any problems on my Ubuntu LTS 16.04. Cool stuff, thanks a lot!

Best regards,


Klaus Kretzschmar replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

:) Great news! Thanks for the prompt response.


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