Hi everybody

As per the title, I'm completely new with INDI. I just bought StellarmateOS few days ago and I'm slowly trying to upgrade my setup to work with stellarmate. I'm relatively good with IT, but communication protocols/drivers/etc have always been quite mysterious to me. 

Anyway... at the moment my setup is as minimal as it can be. I have stellarmate installed on a RaspberryPi, with mouse, keyboard and screen connected directly to the Rasp (atm I'm not using the App, even if I plan to do so in the future). Then I have my Nikon D5100 connected both via USB and my DIY bulb cable to SM .

The bulb cable consists in a dcttech usbrelay2 relay board connected via USB to the Rasp and using the original bulb cable (cut to expose the wires and connect them to the board) to the camera. Using the "program" provided by the developer, I could make it work flawlessly from my windows PC.  

However, when I connect the board to SM, I cannot understand to which port the board is connected. I tried /dev/ttyUSB0 as well as ttyUSB1, ttyUSB2, etc... no one works.

How can I find the correct syntax that I need to input into the "Shutter release port" field?

I start EKOS and I can see the camera showing up in the INDI Control Panel. 


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