I'm running Astroberry  with a home made shutter release.

I can open the terminal window on the Pi and enter the following command

dmesg | grep USB | tail -1

This returns the last line from the system log that contains USB.  For me it returns

FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

run it before and after plugging in your shutter release so you ensure the device will be the last USB device in the log.



Mike Bennett created a new topic ' RAW image is always stretched' in the forum. 3 years ago

First Post.  Just starting out with Astroberry.  Before spending too much money, I'm using my existing Nikon D200 and a camera lens.  I'm having minor issues.

1. When I set the Image setting to NEF (Raw) and transfer mode to Native, the preview is always stretched even though I've turned off Auto Stretch.  This does not happen if I change to JPEG Fine.  As I have no live view, I want to use the preview for alignment, but there are too many stars and noise in the stretched image to do this. 

2. If I set the Image setting to NEF (Raw) and the transfer mode to FITS, I get the error "Cannot open ... Unsupported file format or not RAW file.  Are NEFs not supported?

3. Really minor issue, first preview after loading the software is always a 20 second exposure regardless of what I set in Ekos.  Is this normal?

Using Astroberry on Pi4
KStars 3.5.2



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