Hello Juergen,
thank you for this information. It may be the source of my problems.


Hello Jasem,
I checked again and I have the newest drivers installed, including the 3rd party drivers. The camera is not recognized at all.

On the other hand, I saw that a long list of lables are mentioned under the 3rd party drivers, Noctutec is not. Are there probably little modifications between the different lables?



Hello Jasem,
thanks for your very prompt reply. But sorry, I am stupid on Linux. Found the 3rd party files in Github, but how to insall it?
Concerning libindi, I updated my system abou two weeks ago, shall be included, right?



Hello all,
this is my first post after I am using Astroberry since almost 3 years.

My problem: I bought a Touptec 2600 camera, labled and sold by Noctutec in Germany. However, Astroberry does not recognize the camera at all, so did Sharpcap and even Toupsky in the beginning.
After contacting them, Noctutec informed me that the camera has the very latest firmware status and that there are also new drivers necessary (which they attached to their reply). After installing, Sharpcap and Toupsky (Windows) are working, however, I have no idea how to install the drivers in Linux or if they probably need to be modified for INDI.

Is somebody out there who can help?

Thank you for your replies



Hello Everybody,
after more than two years in Astronomy photography and using Astroberry with good results, let me please place my first message here.

I am sure it is a good idea to extend the mount control foe EQ-mod-mounts by a timer for DSL (DSLR)-cameras. Photos to be stored dirctls in memory card of the camera.
This will be a big benefit, giving the chance to use a second camrea parallel to the main camera, which is controlled by Ekos.

I am not very familiar in programming, sorry for that. So I do not have any clue how much effort this would be or if it is possible at all.



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    22. 10. 1952
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    too many special interrests