
By did I find the specific SS2K driver ? I chose the mount form the drop- downs in the Ekos / Indi profile editor component of the system , is that what you mean or is there something else I should down load ? I have always used the internal guider , maybe I should try the Lin guider option.




Sitting here with a SS2k PC and lots of bits / cables /GPUSB etc and having a job getting the system to talk to K stars /EKOS.

Would you mind setting out your connectivity as this is frustrating as H--l and the SS2k / Vixen SP/DX is a great little mount Ide like to start using again .

Thanking you in advance




Well after an hour of not being able to connect to my mount ( Indi set up didn't check the correct port ( 0) ) finally all snapped in to life . 

Same work flow as above but this time faultless operation , focus , align , track ,image ,etc etc . 

Major result and I even did a small dance around the kitchen ( honestly ).

Great piece of soft ware , only issues that remain are not software related but :-

1     R Pi 4 WIFI , weak so picked up a 5dB improver , which is ok when the areil is on the laptop side of the mount , when slewing to somewhere that means the scope obstructs the areil , signal drops and communication slows to a               crawl .

2     Reflections form the C11 Corrector plate create a light disc in the centre of the image the size and density of which is proportional to the image duration and focal length.

Thanks to all for your suggestions , and to the creators for such a good product .




Great to get such a quick response , When I hit the wall last night I took the attached Snip of the page to show the error message , and to show that Ekos was using the guide cam and the guide scope .

I know the main camera and scope worked and had the correct FL etc as I used them to do the align sequence on M82 and after a couple of  iterations it was dead center .

Then I opened the guide routine and things ground to a halt . Like most of us ( I guess ) I have to put my setup away each night ( morning ) so to check the actual data behind ekos for the guide camera / scope and the main camera /scope  will have to wait for the  weekend  but Wouter has given me a steer on where I might have things wrong .

Interesting that my set up of the Cgem dx was good enough to get round stars from the C11 at F10  for 30 secs .


Great to get such a quick response , When I hit the wall last night I took the attached Snip of the page to show the error message , and to show that Ekos was using the guide cam and the guide scope .

I know the main camera and scope worked and had the correct FL etc as I used them to do the align sequence on M82 and after a couple of  iterations it was dead center .

Then I opened the guide routine and things ground to a halt . Like most of us ( I guess ) I have to put my setup away each night ( morning ) so to check the actual data behind ekos for the guide camera / scope and the main camera /scope  will have to wait for the  weekend  but Wouter has given me a steer on where I might have things wrong .

Interesting that my set up of the Cgem dx was good enough to get round stars from the C11 at F10  for 30 secs .




Thanks for the super quick reply .

Will post a screen shot of the EKOS config screen hen I am home form work , I took a screen shot of the error msg last night as well .

Individually both camera's work fine , and before giving up last night I took 30 x 30sec images of M82  ( the tracking was good enough for round stars !!) 

Guiding is the only thing I seem to fall over on , the align / plate solve using the main scope / main camera was impressive and quick, this software has so much promise  it may even prise me away form Sharpcap !!!




Help needed pls . 
So frustrating being so close but still not quite there.( I bet its operator error !!!) 

Celestron CGEM/ DX , C11 , ZWO 294MCpro, 60mm finder , loadstar guide cam .R Pi 4 , 8 gb and 128Gb Micro Sd  

Work flow 
Set up system and use Nexstar to do 2 star align , then when " Ready " appears on the screen plug in the Pi and log in to Astroberry server . Start the Ekos set up with my equipment profile and then individually focus both cameras. ( At this point choosing the individual cameras work and the individual scopes work etc ), so all good .

Stop both cameras 

Chose an object an object and slew to via Kstars which align to the limits set , all good after a few iterations the object is dead centre , result .
Note the mount is tracking I guess both by the Nexstar AND Ekos says its tracking also ?
Go to "guide" and chose guide camera AND guide scope  I Hit Capture/ guide and get a text box pop up   "Both guide camera and main camera are the same camera do you want to continue ? " I say YES  The images pop in at the set duration's from the guide camera and guide scope and it tries to calibrate but fails every time  , it does RA out ( the first ? ) , but when it moves to RA in the position just seems to continue to move in the same direction and  never Centres ? Calibration fails as it was " Unable to centre 
Questions ,
Should I have bothered doing the initial 2 star Nexstar alignment at the beginning ?
Why does EKOS think my two cameras are the same when I go to the guide section ?
Why does the RA calibration fail ( backlash ? ? can you change the settings to make it more aggressive , or is there a problem with the Celestron Driver)  
The guide section in EKOS does not say its guiding , BUT the mount section does say its tracking , is it getting this information form the mount ( Nexstar).

I am so close to getting things up and running ( whilst sitting in the warm ), Just need a little help to get things over the line .

Sorry if this is a bit long winded , but if there is someone out here also using Nexstar via the port on the hand control some advice would be great.   



I have a similar issue with calibration and guiding .

I am using a Celestron CGEM ( DX)  mount and added this in to the  Ekos profile , I have yet to get any tracking to work or complete a calibration sequence,  things just seem to hang after one direction of calibration movement with Stars just continuing to move out of the FOV .

Work sequence is to set up my system point north and with the Nextstar hand set do a 2 star align , when the hand set then returns "ready " I fire up Astroberry ,should I be doing this at all ?

In the Indi profile I select the CGEM mount ( which  have ) , HOWEVER my connection is via the serial port on the Nextstar hand set , so should I in fact select " Nextsar " not CGEM ?

Over all the software is a fantastic piece of kit just very frustrating when I cant quite get it all to talk to each other ( both ZWO 294 MC camera and Starlight express Loadstar function and send images as hoped for ).



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    14. 10. 1956
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    Secretary of the West of London AS , keen astronomer and fledgling astro photographer