FragiLimbel created a new topic ' IndI Server - Any success?' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi folks,Firstly, thanks to Intercipere, Clutchplate and everyone who has contributed to this fantastic project!I've had the OpenAstroTracker printed, built and working from an Arduino Mega with the LCD panel.But my main reason for building it was to get it working via AstroBerry, which gives you a linux desktop environment with all the normal Linux astro software like PHD2, KStars, and to control it all, INDIServer - I guess its the linux equiv of the ASCOM ecosystem.Now, I've tried a number of ways of getting it working, using both serial over usb from an Arduino Mega (Using the LX200 Classic INDI driver), and wifi via an ESP-12f (using the lx200 Basic INDI Driver).But, whatever I do, I can't get the mount to actually move via serial or ethernet comms.Has anyone else had any success using OAT with INDI at all? and if so what INDI driver did you use, and was it wifi or serial?I'm open to trying anything at the moment, cos I'm out of ideas.Thanks


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