Excited about this update Aaron - even more-so if we can get the appropriate INDIlib driver sorted as I'm sure people using the library will have other applications where these cameras could be used.


Phil M replied to the topic 'Save only on sd card' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am trying to migrate to INDI/EKOS running on Astroberry and also have the same request if this would be considered.

Saving only to the DSLR's memory card would save me over 30 seconds (at least) per sub. In a (rare - UK and, well, clouds) imaging session with a poor mount, the transfers take longer than the length of exposure I can successfully take... so of the available time 70%+ is just waiting for the file to transfer via the USB to the Pi itself. 

I'll take a look at a USB stick for the Pi, but it's the USB interface to the Pi from the camera that is the bottleneck.

In APT (trying to migrate from) I can save the RAW file on the camera and transfer only a reduced JPG for the on-screen preview. 



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    Amateur astronomer from South Yorkshire, UK