Here's what I discovered. The password entry in the new wifi connection tab IS NOT USED when the raspberry attempts to join a network for the first time. Instead, the raspberry drops off the current network, THEN prompts the user to manually enter the password, it times out because this prompt can't be seen by the user, the raspberry then restarts the astroberry hotspot without ever joining the new connection.
The only way to discover this fault is to physically connect KVM peripherals to the raspberry (which is not possible in a headless installation) or... (as I did) connect a physical ethernet cable between the router and raspberry then select the new wifi connection. These two methods are the only way a user can interact with the "secret" password prompt which only comes up after the wifi connection is broken.


follow up: I also created an SD card from the Astroberry boot image. It only will start the astroberry wifi service. Under no circumstances can I make this server join any other wifi network.
I suspect it...
...shuts down astroberry hotspot
...then puts up some dialog box that can't be seen (because it disconnected)
...times out and restarts the hotspot.
How can I stop this behavior and just get it to log into my wifi router?



I installed Astroberry 2.0.3 on Raspian OS using APT. It rebooted, started its own SSID Astroberry xxx which I joined. 
The http desktop loads but will not connect to the Astroberry server.
I need to get in via SSH or VNC. This is a headless installation. (There is no mini hdmi connector available to me for days.)
Any help would be welcome. thanks


Kevin S Snedden replied to the topic 'Raspberry Pi HQ Autoguiding?' in the forum. 4 years ago

I'm new here interested in building the Pi4 server as part of the autoguider camera enclosure. Can you recommend a pi camera model suitable for autoguiding? Can the HQ bin under PHD controls? Does binning effectively increase the pixel size?



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    18. 03. 2021
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    Interested in astrophotography