Alex Blondek replied to the topic 'IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 3 years ago

And the video.

Device is the IMX290 from ALiExpress, and it is Astroberry on a Pi 4 with 4gb Ram.



Alex Blondek replied to the topic 'IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Grimaldi,

Sorry for delay, here are the lsusb logs and I have made a quick video to demonstrate the issue. Weirdly I now have 1280 x780 working, prior to this it would crash the same as 1080. Before all this I updated everything and updated PHD2 so this mayyyy have something to do with it? 

One thing to add, I have to set pixel size every time in the settings, it always loads the default (5.6um) when connecting. 

Hi Grimaldi,

Sorry for delay, here are the lsusb logs and I have made a quick video to demonstrate the issue. Weirdly I now have 1280 x780 working, prior to this it would crash the same as 1080. Before all this I updated everything and updated PHD2 so this mayyyy have something to do with it? 

One thing to add, I have to set pixel size every time in the settings, it always loads the default (5.6um) when connecting. 



Alex Blondek replied to the topic 'IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 3 years ago

Of course yep you are correct, it is a USB connected to the pi, this is the one I purchased:

I didn't get round to testing out your suggestion but I will tonight.


Alex Blondek replied to the topic 'IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Grimaldi and thanks for the reply. I will boot it up this evening and report back. We are actually using a IMX290 (one of the ones from AliExpress) and as mentioned above it works perfectly on Mac or Windows, full resolution and everything so I don't think the cam is at fault.




Alex Blondek replied to the topic 'IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 3 years ago

Sorry for delay, basically everything mentioned above. 

I do hope someone could assist with this issue as it is holding up any plans I have to take out my unit, not that weather has been co operating recently. 


Alex Blondek replied to the topic 'IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 3 years ago

Is there any more info I could get to help diagnose this issue? Or any troubleshooting tips that I could give a go (it has been updated frequently in case it was a driver error).


Alex Blondek created a new topic ' IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 4 years ago

Recently set up an Astroberry, all up to date and have it plugged into a Nikon and a IMX290 for the guide cam. However I have had nothing but trouble getting this to work nicely. I have seen posts with the same issues as mine (their pasted logs pretty much match mine) but after a lot of playing around with settings I have managed to get it to work, although only in 680px x 480px. If I move it up any higher it crashes and I have to reconnect. I have even put a fresh Astroberry on recently with no change.

INDI will also will not save the pixel size I specify so on every boot I have to set the 2.9um pixel sizes (and I even hit save configuration). Other configs such as my Nikon settings are saved no problem, it almost seems it looks and overwrites on connecting.

It looks like I have two separate issues here, saving the config I set (in the logs it defaults to 5.6um) and possibly v4l2 driver issues not playing nice with PHD2? The camera works flawlessly as a capture device in VLC and I can take photos no problem in OAControl, which doesn't use INDI. 

Would anyone be able to assist a non coder over here?


Alex Blondek created a new topic ' IMX290 - Astroberry and PHD2' in the forum. 4 years ago

Recently set up an Astroberry, all up to date and have it plugged into a Nikon and a IMX290 for the guide cam. However I have had nothing but trouble getting this to work nicely. I have seen posts with the same issues as mine (their pasted logs pretty much match mine) but after a lot of playing around with settings I have managed to get it to work, although only in 680px x 480px. If I move it up any higher it crashes and I have to reconnect. I have even put a fresh Astroberry on recently with no change.

INDI will also will not save the pixel size I specify so on every boot I have to set the 2.9um pixel sizes (and I even hit save configuration). Other configs such as my Nikon settings are saved no problem, it almost seems it looks and overwrites on connecting.

It looks like I have two separate issues here, saving the config I set (in the logs it defaults to 5.6um) and possibly v4l2 driver issues not playing nice with PHD2? The camera works flawlessly as a capture device in VLC and I can take photos no problem in OAControl, which doesn't use INDI. 

Would anyone be able to assist?


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