Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Ekos Scheduler' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks, got that sorted now.


Wayne Hall created a new topic ' Ekos Scheduler' in the forum. 3 years ago


I've been using the scheduler for the past few nights and on finishing its shutting down and disconnecting Ekos but it's not parking the scope first. I'm clearly missing somethinghere, what do I need to do to get it to park the scope and then disconnect?


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Re:Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

I will try that, my focuser does have some nasty backlash so I was concerned the offsets wouldn't be reliable.


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks for the help guys. Its been working reliably so far. I found that adding the median filter, 5s exposures for the narrowband filters, and changing the step size down and max steps out have helped a ton. WIll keep trying it out to see if its really 100% reliable. 


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'll try this again later tonight. Didn't have luck capturing darks when I did it before but will try again


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks, I typically start close to perfect focus. Typically get 1.8 HFR and I start 2-2.5 sort of range. I had a step size of 50 which throws it WAY out, I'll try making that smaller as well.


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

I haven't, It seemed to not be saving files off to the dark library and kept asking to cover the scope. I'll try again, i might have done something wrong


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

I haven't, It seemed to not be saving files off to the dark library and kept asking to cover the scope. I'll try again, i might have done something wrong


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

I haven't, It seemed to not be saving files off to the dark library and kept asking to cover the scope. I'll try again, i might have done something wrong


Wayne Hall replied to the topic 'Re:Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks will do when the skies are clear again. Where do I find the median filter?


Wayne Hall created a new topic ' Battling with focus' in the forum. 3 years ago

I've been battling with focus in Ekos recently. I'm using the linear algorithm (my focuser has some backlash so this should help out) and that seems to be behaving. But i'm having problems with the star detection algorithm picking up stars that are not stars, getting crazy low HFR values and it keeps going, finding "stars" when I can see the actual star is way out of focus. I've tried this both full field (when it detects the fake stars theres way fewer of them) as well as subframe. Subframe you can clearly see the star is defocused yet its picking up things.

I'm using the SEP algorithm with the default profile, I've tried averaging it over 2 frames, it does the same thing on Lum or Ha or any filter. I'm running 1600mm on an 8" f/3.9, lum I use 1s exposures and Ha 3-5s. I'm more or less sure i've done something wrong but I'm not sure how to fix it properly. Any ideas what I could tweak to help it only pick up the proper stars?


  • Basic Information

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  • Birthdate
    25. 11. 1982
  • About me
    Amateur Astrophotographer