James J created a new topic ' ASTAP Failing To Solve' in the forum. 3 years ago

I have my stellarmate up and running well, but I cannot get ASTAP to solve correctly:

Even though the FOV is correct, it looks like ASTAP is using a different field height when it attempts to solve, it looks like it is using 1deg instead of 6-7?

Any ideas what is going wrong? It does solve using the internal solver but then it takes an age!



I have plate solving working on my stellarmate but the rotation angles seem strange. The attached image was taken with a 6D/EF200 and it platesolves in Ekos without issue, but the rotation is quoted as -155. If I solve the image in astrometry.net I get 245deg E. I took the image with the camera somewhere around 90deg so the 245deg value seems right. As a consequence of the plate solve calculating -155 it appears in kStars rotated by 90deg:


Any ideas?



BigNoel wrote: He's usually been pretty quick in the past, I see in DerPits thread he's mentioned he's published a fix but not had time to test it. This is good news in that the issue is on the radar and it will keep coming up as more people use kstars and want to do mosaics.

Knowing that Telescopius output a CSV table of panel coordinates I'm going to explore how I can parse this into creating job files for Ekos that I can import.

If fixing the native mosaic tool is to hard to do, having an easy way to paste the CSV output from Telescopius would be a good workaround.

Is there an easy way of doing this? I use telescopius for planning most of my mosaics...


James J replied to the topic 'Automated File Sync?' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have syncthing up and running, looks promising.


James J created a new topic ' Automated File Sync?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Second attempt at posting this question.

In windows land I use Synology Drive Sync or Onedrive to upload files from my imaging PC as they are captured. This means they are immediately protected and available for analysis/consumption on my processing pc.

On my ASIAir I had to create a robocopy job to copy the files off, but this is somewhat unreliable as the wifi network fluctuates. I would therefore prefer resilient push-type file sync.

Is there any equivilent option available within Stellarmate?


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