Pavel created a new topic ' New equipment issue' in the forum. 11 months ago


I used to have Raspberry Pi 4 and the next list of equipment (all connected through USB):

- Canon 250D
- iOptron mount

All worked just fine. Recently I upgraded Canon EOS 250D against QHY5III715C. Stellarmate recognises it, but then evil "magic" happens:
- when I move ZWO EAF, QHY715 immediately fails to take shots (but after disconnect/connect in INDI panel OK)
- if I try to use QHY 5L-II-M for focusing, this time mount disconnects.
- also were cases when exposition on QHY715C starts, but hangs just before downloading.

I believe it is due to insufficient USB power and I need to buy a powered hub, what do you think? Any other suggestions?


Pavel created a new topic ' QHY 5L-II low speed on RPI4' in the forum. 4 years ago


I have a Raspberry Pi 4 and a guide camera QHY 5L-II-M. It is detected perfectly on RPI, but it seems that transfer speed is very low, ~3.5MB/s. This gives downloading delay after exposure ~0.4-0.5s, making use it for guidance questionable. When I connect camera to a big computer, it works just fine (0.07-0.09s downloading time). lsusb -t shows speed 480 Mbps on RPI, so I am out of ideas how to make it works faster.

I would appreciate any help/suggestions/etc.


Pavel replied to the topic 'New users Please read....thanks' in the forum. 4 years ago

AstroNerd wrote: Sorry but I dont see any pending posts waiting approval....please link me to it...

I am not sure what happened. I sent a post - and it didn't appear neither in My Topics nor in the forum. I read this warning and was waiting for approval. However, it didn't happened, but now I have the right to post (?).


Pavel created a new topic ' QHY 5L-II low speed on RPI4' in the forum. 4 years ago


I have a Raspberry Pi 4 and a guide camera QHY 5L-II-M. It is detected perfectly on RPI, but it seems that transfer speed is very low, ~3.5MB/s. This gives downloading delay after exposure ~0.4-0.5s, making use it for guidance questionable. When I connect camera to a big computer, it works just fine (0.07-0.09s downloading time). lsusb -t shows speed 480 Mbps on RPI, so I am out of ideas how to make it works faster.

I would appreciate any help/suggestions/etc.


Pavel replied to the topic 'New users Please read....thanks' in the forum. 4 years ago

AstroNerd wrote: If you are a new user posting for the first time, please after posting wait for the post to be approved, it may take a few hours, so if you don’t see it on the forum right away this is the reason, and no need to submit the same post again...
Many Thanks...

to the moment ~36 hours have passed since I tried to post. Could you please give some clues, what does it mean "a few hours" - 100h? 200h?
It's just a joke, but I would appreciate if you verify my post, grant me the right of posting and delete it so I will be able to post it again.


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