It's really down to budget at the moment. I have a ASI 224MC which I like, but nothing to control a guide scope. So id look to use the 224MC as a guide camera and then the 600D or 1200D as the main camera. Had looked into maybe just using a ASI120MM as a guide camera and stick with 224MC, but I would be limited in what targets I can photograph.


Hi folks,

I am in the market for either a Canon 600d / 1200d and am I keen to understand how folks find using either of those with ekos. My current setup is Astroberry on a Pi 4. Im intregued by the level of control it gives you. I had seen gphoto can be used to control it. Just want to confirm folks can actually manage the camera via ekos, setting ISO, exposure times, live preview etc.

Any insight would be very much appreciated.


Damien replied to the topic 'Raspberry Pi HQ Autoguiding?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Did you have any luck using the HQ camera?


So over the weekend I had some success with getting an image and managing to focus the camera. For anyone who stumbles in this, I used the following settings in ekos:

Gain: 135
Offset: 1
Camera exposure: 6 seconds

I set the images to loop and the managed to see some orbs, from there allowed me to adjust the focus and finally I saw some stars.

I stopped using the stream option as I could never get it to work.


Damien replied to the topic 'getting colour with ZWO ASI224MC' in the forum. 4 years ago

I also seem to be having this issue. Would anyone be able to share their gain, wb_r, wb_b settings or just their entire settings within ekos. Would be really appreciated.


Apologies for the delayed reply. I enabled debugging and see nothing really outputted that looks alarming. I think where I am struggling is knowing what gain, wb_r and wb_b setting to use for the camera. The default just result in a white image, during the day, or completely back, at night. I did try setting these to auto but that didnt look to improve anything.


Sorry yes this is all on the Raspberry Pi.


Hi there,

I have a ZWO ASI 224MC connected to my Raspberry Pi 4. I am running the latest version of Astroberry. Via Kstars I have the camera connected via USB 3.0. When I go into ekos to capture an image/video, all I seem to get is a white image if its during the day, or very dark if its during the night. Iv tried altering the gain and lowering the exposure settings but that doesnt seem to help. Iv also tried switching to 8bit instead of 16bit.

I know the camera works as if I open oacapture and select the camera, I get an image previewed if I set it to auto for gain and exposure. I have only tried this during the day though.

id really like to be able to use the camera in Kstars so I was wondering if anyone can share or recommend a configuration for the camera.


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