So, nearly 6 months on and I am still having this problem. I did switch over to running Indigo on the Pi and connecting it to Allskeye on the laptop, which has worked a treat.

Issue is, at the moment, I am somewhere with patchy WIFI and I'd prefer to have something running standalone without needing the PC constantly connected.

Any thoughts?


I have been using my Astroberry for all sky captures of late, with a mind to set it up in an enclosure to capture all night. One thing I am noticing is that it seems to stop capturing after around 480 exposures, though the software keeps acting as if it is still working. Anyone else experienced this?

Currently images are being installed on a 256GB SD, which has plenty of space on it. I have also tried setting up multiple sets of 400x 10s exposures, but it still stopped at 484!

Running the latest version on Astroberry on a Raspberry Pi 4 4GB


I have been toying with using my Astroberry for all sky captures of late, with the aim to build it into an enclosure and leave it running on a nightly program. One thing I am noticing is that it seems to stop capturing after around 480 exposures, though the software keeps acting as if it is still working, counting up. The preview window doesn't follow the count up in the exposure setting tab, and the images in the Capture folder stop at the same number as the preview. Anyone else experienced this?
I am currently storing images locally on my 256GB SD card, and eventually plan on setting it to download to my NAS. I have trialled setting up multiple groups of 400x 10s exposures, but it still stalled at around 484. If I close KStars, reopen and set it going again it carries on, but with the jump in time and the fact I would have to actively monitor this it defeats my objective.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    15. 01. 1983
  • About me
    SW P150i 150mm Primary Scope
    50mm Guide Scope
    ZWO ASI462MC
    Canon EOS 450D
    Raspberry Pi 4 4GB running Astroberry