David Hill replied to the topic 'indi_celestron_aux' in the forum. 3 years ago

I have been following this thread for some time. I currently connect to my AVX via that hand controller but going forward I would like to connect my Raspberry Pi directly to my mount via the AUX port and to start using this driver.
However I am struggling to undestand how to do this. Is there a pre-built USB -- RJ12 cable that can be purchased from somewhere?
Or can I use a USB FTDI TTL 5V cable and connecting the correct pins to the RJ12 plug and make it work? 
I'd like to do the second option but as far as I can tell from reading numerous sources on the web, this cannot be done.



Hi. I use astroberry with a RPI4. I use the altair GPCAM3 178M as a guiding camera and I use the altair hypercam 269c for imaging. I've had no issues with the 269c for imaging, although I do have a recurring "exposure timeout" with the 178M which gets in the way occasionally. This i believe is due to a USB bandwidth issue which is mentioned on the indi altair page. The problem is mostly fixed by binning my guidecam.


Although I've not tried it yet as its daytime here, I can confirm that this binary works in Astroberry/EKOS


It's just using a value from 0 to 360 increasing as you go east. Rather than the more traditional -180 through 0 to +180.
Your system is working as designed.


The PPBADV has 4 x 12V outputs, plus it also has one Adjustable output. Within the firmware you can adjust this from 3V to 12V. It was designed, if required, for powering accessories like a DSLR. The website even suggests that you could power a Rasperry Pi from it. I am interested in this method because I want to use all four USB ports for data and not loose one to just providng power.


David Hill replied to the topic 'Need help with GPS' in the forum. 4 years ago

Not sure if you have found the following advice from the developer, but it may help. I've also found that the GPS can be very temperamental and often takes many minutes to get a fix.



I've just recently purchased the PPBA and was wondering exactly the same thing. I was searching for solutions and came up with these two:



Not sure but these might work with the adjustable power output socket which can be set to 5V


I recently purchased the PPBA and have been searching for a solution to this problem. Today I think I may have found some ideas. Remember the adjustable output can supply the 5V the Pi wants.

Although the headline says it's a 2.5mm plug, one user complained that it was actually a 2.1mm plug.

This might work with the supplied 2.1mm leads.


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    01. 10. 1969
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