Help me! I have a subtle trouble!
My old SSPIAG (planetary imager and autoguider) which works on my old EeePC from 2009 in XP, with PHD guiding (1).
Since I moved to Quebec and it's -20°C (with the wind -1000°C) I made myself an astroberry on a Pi4 to make remote, with my ass warm. Except that the cam does not turn on, So I try on my big PC, I download the right drivers, and nothing ....
When we plug it normally into EeePC, I have the rear light that comes on.
I suspect a problem of USB 1 (SSPIAG) on USB 2 or 3 but normally it is compatible it seems to me. Someone would have any idea?


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    30. 01. 1980
  • About me
    Making astrophoto from argentique
    From Switss, where i have a T500 f4, living now in canada with my small telescope, 80mm fluorite f/15 and 115x800 vixen on EQ6 pro goto full upgrade (time belt, Abec9 bearing, and polished wormgear)