Bram Slagmolen replied to the topic 'QHY8 driver' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi TC,

Thank you as well! It all seems to work for me as well. The offset, gain and USB speed are available and working. I haven't tried it under the stars or with any sequences yet, but it looks promising.

I used your compiled library, but also had a look through your code modifications, and I am surprised that those mods would be required, and not caught by the main flow, but hey amazing job!

I just realise that I used the v2QHY8.HEX firmware (few messages up), but not sure if that was required. I had multiple QHY cameras attached and was physically unplugging the wrong one, so copied that version in place and realised I was unplugging the wrong camera:)

I tried binning, but as you said that is not working, well the image gets downloaded but at full resolution. This is fine with me, little slower with the focusing procedure I guess. I haven't tried or set up the plate solving, but I would assume you can use a reduction factor, which I am already using.

Anyway, I gave the whole setup a sanity check and it all seems to work nicely. So now I will need to rethink about how to reconfigure the whole camera/mount/telescope setup using the Kstars + Ekos environment. But that is good news!

Not sure how many others are there which have similar problems with the QHY8, but it may be worth putting it in git (GitHub or gitlab or any of the others). However it is logged in this thread so all good.

Let me know if there is anything you want me to check.

Thanks heaps for your work and efforts.
