Would be good to update GitHub. Will need to install it from source.


Hi Lars,

I have been using TIC_Focuser_NG for a long time now, it is about the only thing that has never failed on my Astroberry.




The only issue I am having is the difference between RAW (CR2) and FITS images having different sizes. I decided to stick with FITS


I had the same problem, I am taking darks at the highest speed for the moment until the fix is ready for updaing.


Malcolm Whinfield replied to the topic 'Font Field Size' in the forum. 2 years ago

Maybe need to change the screen resolution in the opposite direction. I have had my system off for a while due to changes, but when I get it running, I may try it out. It is possible the apps need some work in relation to fonts but in the meantime, they appear to be concentrating on device functionailty


Malcolm Whinfield replied to the topic 'Font Field Size' in the forum. 2 years ago

This is the Raspberry Pi screen resolution setting that causes this. Need to set the resolution based on the size of the screen first then play around with other magnification settings as well. I have not spent the time to master the setting, just adjusted the setting to Large Screen.


Trying to get this answer myself for the last 2 years. I have a feeling for my set-up as alignment of the telescope to the mount. I think it safe to say that the position is of the telescope than the mount.


Interesting has the same flavour as the issue I had in Version 3.5.7 (FITS Viewer), but this was fixed in 3.5.8. Out of interest, try disabling the FITS viewer and see if it still plays up.


That is good, although I had a similar issue and the latest update cleared this problem. Go to KStars about and check you have 3.5.8.

Update if you have 3.5.7 or lower.


Since my last post, I concentrated on areas surrounding the DeBayer error. I ended up disabling the FITS Viewer and now I have no issues at all. No crashes. Every time I had the FITS Viewer open it would crash.

This actually fits my previous situation before upgrading to the latest. On version 3.56 the FITS Viewer I turned off, but still worked during previews. This was the best method, as I never ran the FITS viewer during imaging and during those times didn't crash hardly at all. Version 3.57 no longer worked the same way. To view preview images I had to activate the FITS Viewer, turning it on and off was annoying, so I left it on. Now I simply switch it off now.

I will keep monitoring but last night had an almost perfect imaging night with no crashes and flawless meridian flip.


Hopefully will have a resolution by the next clear weather session.

I unchecked the Auto Bebayer option in EKOS with nothing to do with Meridian Flip.

I ran it last night with 1 hour of capture, this time I watched the screen and for a very very short instance I saw a dialog box appear that was not entirely clear but could make out "Debayer Error"

I found the only option "Auto Debayer" and unchecked it. It lasted through the night but weather crept it so I did get a full capture afterwards. I will try and confirm this on the next clear night.


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