Jason created a new topic ' Hardware Question' in the forum. 4 years ago

I apologize up front for being a long question but want to make sure everything is checked off so there is no follow up questions. I just found Astroberry a couple of days ago, downloaded and installed on a RPi 3B+ headless. I successfully connected via VNC and successfully connected my Svbony SV105 to said Pi. Now that I can go completely wireless I am going to attach this rig to my Celestron Nexstar 102SLT. The handset of the telescope has the old RJ6 connector and I have the RS-232 to RJ6 cable I used to connect to an old laptop. I am planning on buying a RS-232 to USB converter. My question is does the RS-232 to USB cable matter? In doing research I saw there are different chipsets and I want to make sure I am getting the correct one. Once again I apologize for the long post and thank you all in advance.