Richard Thornton created a new topic ' Newbie with EQ6' in the forum. 4 years ago

G'day from Oz!

Please be gentle, I'm very new to all this

I have an old EQ6 with the DB9 SynScan, it’s been such a long time that I’ve forgotten how to use it but I can recall it was clunky to use.

I'm thinking Linux would be the "2021" way to get rid of the SynScan and replace it with a computer for visual astronomy (to start with).

I know a lot more about computers (than I do about astronomy) and so I’m happy with PC hardware (x86, ARM) and OS’s (Android, Linux, Mac, Win), I have a lot of hardware lying around and (if it’s useful) I can solder. I have numerous ARM systems, all flavours of Pi and a RockPro64 (might be good because of the PCIe slot).

Really I would want the setup to make it easy for me to get setup and viewing an object quickly. Get in the car, park somewhere dark, unpack and assemble mount, align and goto an object.

Not sure if it can integrateintegrate but I just ordered a QHYCCD PoleMaster to help me with setup.

I can see AstroPi3 and Astroberry not sure if that makes sense, I'm super comfortable installing stuff from the Linux CLI and even compiling stuff.
