Timothy created a new topic ' EQmod Custom Mount Option' in the forum. 4 years ago

Dear All,

I want to modify my SW EQ3 mount with Belt, I calculated the Total Steps, worm steps and Tracking Offset.
EQmod it self using the EQTools it is possible to change those values, but as Im using Indi, I didn't find a way to change this values.

Could som one tell me if, it is possible ? And evn.t How ?

As I like very much Kstar and Ekos I would like to remain with it, If now I have to change to another software... sad.png

Many thanks


Dear all,

I have similar set up (see preview reply) X-T4, PI4 8 GB + Astroberry, PC Windows

@ DaveSw, do you u

se the FITS file later ? can you use them ? I use only .RAF saved remotely in the PI, as you mention if not take to long to transfer to the PC Win, in my case.

- For camera settings, I disabled the Power from USB, I use a theter tools cable. It is a good Idea to power the camera with a dummy battery. You can find in China for some $.

- Remember to turn on the camera before switch on the PI or Laptop -> indi is not Hot Plug !
- Check All parameter, in indi driver, Bulb off, image settings, take an exposure from the indi dirver to see if everything works!
- in Ekos choose remote or local and a good path to save the pictures, I use a PC win connected through WIFI, to a PI4, adn I save the RAF file on PI (so in Ekos on windows remote)

- Set the exposure to the camera exposure time i.e 180 sec. will never work.The exposure that works (X-T4 at least): (in Ekos)

ie. 1", 1.3", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4", 5", 6.5", 8", 10", 13", 15", 20", 25" , 30", 40", 50", 60", 2'00", 4'00", 8'00", 15'00"


Dear all, Im looking to the live view with the X-T4 and I found that there is a strange behaviour , between Live view and capture , switching everything on and activate the live view before taking any pictures it works, so I can see the live view from my X-T4 camera, which is great, if Im stopping it, i have to close 2 tines the window, Im not anymore able to take any capture...so I have to complete reset everything......after resetting everything If O do the exact opposite Take a capture and later try the live view It doesn't work...seams something in the Driver or USB communication... I try to debugging it if I can..

Anyone else had similar issue?



Dear all, DaveSw,

Q: When you say "manual shutter" do you mean you are adjusting and triggering the camera yourself, without Ekos/Indi, using a cable release or intervalometer? Are you using the mechanical or electronic shutter?
A: I mean in the camera setting, I setted the Shutter in "Mechanical Mode" MS

Q:Regarding the SD card (and by this I mean the SD card in the camera). Do you save images to both the camera's SD card and your system?
A: I save the images Locally on the PI (let say Remotly from the Laptop), I'm also be able to save them Locally on the Laptop but it take more time >50secs.
No Files are saved into the SD card, regardless the setting in Indi, for me it is ok.

My Setup is:

- Laptop Windows with Kstars-Ekos,
- RI4 Astroberry + a 256GB USB stick to store the taken photos
- Main Camera X-T4 connected directly on the PI4 USB-3 (Blue Port) File is Native (.raf)
- QHY5II and Mount connected through a Powered USB Hub on USB 2 (Black port)


I use a Fuji X-T4, a,d a PI4, actually everything listed by DaveSW are the same except for:

The camera is set as follows:

2. Manual shutter, I can use all exposure time I want, no issue

In the Ekos/Indi setup screens:

4. SD Card (Save/Delete) seems to never save the image ono the SD card

Other observations:

- I use a 12V powered USB 3 hub (prevents under-voltage errors on Pi) for the Guide Camera and mount on USB 2. Hub plugs into a USB 2 port on the Pi
- Camera X-T4 using a Tetherd Tool cable (USB A - USB C) on PI on USB 3 port

- The LED on back of camera 100% identical as for the X-T3
Camera off and plugged into USB 3 = solid green
Camera plugged into USB 3 and power switched on = LED off
Exposure started = flashes alternately green and orange during normal operation
Exposure ended (saving file) = flashing orange
Exposure ended (awaiting next exposure start) = flashes alternately green and orange
Something is wrong = flashing green


Dear Alberto,

Did you try to remove the Force Bulb setting on the Indi setting.. ?

I use a XT-4 and I have to turn off the Force Bulb, if on, no chance to work with.


Timothy created a new topic ' Fuji XT-3 or XT-4 Live Video' in the forum. 4 years ago

Dear all,

Someone with Fujifilm Camera XT-3 or XT-4 managed to use the Live Video in EKOS?

I tried all the stuff but no way, Im not able to have it, the small live video pop up came up but no video.

The Gphoto lib they mention the live view as Yes for the Fuji XT-4, but I do not know if someone have really tested it on the camera?

Or I missesd some settings ?

My Capture Setup:

- Fuji XT-4
- Astroberry
- Windows PC connected to Astroberry Wirelessly with Kstars and EKOS


Hi all,

At the Moment I use the Native Setting in indi, so I save the .raf file from the camera remotly or Locally.

If you remove the de-bayern option in indi -> FITS the mesage that the filter patern "GGGG" is wrong, it disapear, but than you have the FITS files which cannot be used...

SO I suggest at the moment to use the native file setting in indi &/or in EKOS in capture mode...

Hopefully in future will be added something to filter the X-Trans to be used later from the FITS files...
but for now that's it..

If someone else have something better to do, pleae go haed ... :)


Dear all,

Any plan to integrate the De-Bayern filter/pattern of the X-Trans sensor of the FUJI XT3 or XT4 cameras?

Something possible ?

If not we as Fuji user we have to use RAW instead of FITS for Imaging.
It is not possible to convert the FITS file into a Color image, or at least Im not able.

Or someone have a clou how to do that ? I tried in PixInsight, i doesnt support the Fuji "Pattern"...

Thanks for any feedback.


Hi Dave, RIght now Im only experimenting at Home (I have only cloudy night since December ) SO Right now it seam pretty good !

SO I connect all my equipment directly on the Laptop (No Raspberry)

What I have as issue now is with the Uide Camera a QHY 5 II L, which Im not really able to get working, it connect it is saw by Ekos and also by PHD2 as Indi camera, but as soon I ty to do darks ibrary or Looping is not working...PHD2 crashes...

@Knro: I using only the XT-4 with "Force bulb* off it works, with ON no chance...I do not know about other models...


I had similar issues with my XT-4, I partially solved, so the camera work pretty good !, turning off the setting "Force Bulb".
My Setup is:
- Laptop with Ubuntu 20.10
- Kstars-Ekos (latest Stable)
- Indi Lib (Latest Stable)
- QHYCCD 5II (PHD2 as Indi Camera)
- SW Eq3 Pro Synscan GoTo (Modified)


Dear all, pretty new here (First mex)

I have a XT-4 I had similar issue as mentioned here with the XT-3.

I spend few hours on that... :)

My config.:

PC with Ubuntu I5 8gen 8 GBRAM, SSD....
- QHY5II (Using PHD2 as Indi camera)

So what I found is (at least in my config.), If I leave the "Force Bulb" it looks exactly the same as described in this post for the XT-3, if I turn off the "Force Bulb"
It works pretty good !

Hope may this help...


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    01. 04. 1978
  • About me
    Hi Im Tim, I live in Switzerland !
    I have a Skywatcher EQ3 modified,TS60/360 a Fuji XT-5 and some lenses,