David Bennett created a new topic ' Imaging with variable cloud' in the forum. 9 months ago

Hi All. In the south west of the UK we often get conditions with clear spells interrupted by passing cloud. I wish to let the system run unattended so it handles passing cloud and images as much as possible as permitted by the weather conditions. When high pressure dominates it can be safe to keep the system running through out the night, cloud or no cloud, but when low pressure dominates with predicted weather fronts approaching it is safer to shutdown.

There are many settings scattered around the system and I struggle to set them to manage intermittent cloud. Briefly my requirements are:
1) Only abort imaging and shutdown due to cloud if weather forecast is risky otherwise suspend imaging (job) and wait for clear sky to return.
2) On resumption of imaging, alignment is run before re-starting imaging. I find there can be considerable drift when guiding is lost, more than I would expect if mount continued at tracking rate during cloud.

I think the guider is well placed to handle cloud but would be interested to find out how people tune their settings to handle cloud interruptions?
