yes. the tasks are something that are spawned and managed by the kernel itself, it is the kernel itself which decides for example how many kworker to spawn (those are the one that do actual job on the computer), KDE spawns few processes as well (I believe but take this with a grain of salt, more than XFCE) but the kernel we are running on AA is waaaaaay more recent than the one from AB (and also 20% more efficient in multitasking, I don't recall if that happened in version 6.1 or 6.2)

It is hard to reach a sweet point between ready to be used out of the box and being light but we always try to evaluate every thing from both perspective (for example, the gps daemon is turned off by default cause not everyone will be using that).

I believe most of those tasks are actually used by useful processes but I will look into this by myself to see if there is something else that may be disabled at boot time bv default!