To build off the previous person's response, you can use the local address whether you are offline or online and on the same network. Then, on the bottom right of your screen you should see a "Go To" button. Click on that and then click "desktop" which will then ask you to put in your password, which should be "smate". Hope this helps. 



I am running a QHY294m with stellarmateOS on a Rpi 4 4gb. I have noticed that Ekos's "camera/picture" tab works to regulate camera temp O.K. Everything breaks down when I open up the INDI control panel tab (to be clear, both tabs are running, the setup and the camera tab). The cooling system does not seem to respond well to manual or automatic mode, and usually does not accurately display Peltier activation. What is the best way to control my camera temp? 

I ask because I am O.K with using the camera tab control, but I noticed that when I set a temperature, it seems to use 100% cooling and the temp goes down rather quickly. Is there anyway to modulate the speed at which Ekos approaches target temps? Thanks


Yes, so I was making a terrible mistake. It seems that FW control was done through the camera drivers/connection (I guess that should have been more apparent since I was connecting the FW to the Camera. I was loading the FW separately which was unnecessary. It was also impossible to assign the FW to something since the only device that would pop up would be the combo of camera and FW.

Either way, thanks for the help!



Here is some info: Running Rpi 4 4gb w/ astroberry
Camera: QHY294m
Guide cam: ZWO120mm
Mount: EQ6-r

Issue: It seems that I can get my camera and my guider connected properly, and they each take up a USB3 port on the pi. I have my Filter wheel connected through my QHY camera. My mount is connected through a USB2 port.

It appears that I can connect either my mount or my filter wheel (when running the QHYFW2 drivers and not the 3rd gen drivers), but not both together. I get the message Port /dev/ttyUSB0 is already used by another driver or process. When I connect my filter wheel separately to USB2, Kstars/EKOS crashes and then I can't connect either of my cameras or filter wheel, but I can still connect my mount.

I see that some people have also had this issue, but I haven't been able to resolve it. As a side note, I am pretty new to Linux and Rpi, but I can work my way around if needed.



Sorry, I should have given more information. It seems now that it gives me an issue I see others have had, which is that the USB driver is being used by another device. I was having this issue with my mount, but was able to fix it. It seems I can't yet fix it with the the Filterwheel. I heard that you have a video on port assignment, would that help in this situation? Thanks.


As the title states, it seems that Ekos can't detect the filter wheel when plugged in through my QHY FW port on the camera. I was wondering if Ekos is able to do this, or if I will need to run it through USB for it to work. Not a big deal, just curious.



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