Daniel O'Brien replied to the topic 'Setup with everything remote' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi kengs

Now that sounds like my kind of setup! :D

I have the camera and telescope communicating with my laptop, so its a good start. Now I just need to figure out PHD2/EKOS/KStars.

I have Kstars installed, when I open EKOS, I get asked about remote devices etc, for which I have neither of the 2 choices, and the "Other" option button crashes the application. (annoyance!!)
I am half-assuming that cancel was the right option because I was then greeted with setting up a new profile. It seems only one host can be chosen? (But my equipment is on 2 hosts?)
Guidance with basic config would be handy, as well as the PHD2 integration if you have time.

Thanks and kind regards!