Andrea replied to the topic 'FLAT with canon help' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you so much for your answer, I had already taken a look at the page.
My question is more specific:
1 - I set the CANON 60d to M
2 - On the CCD page I select FLAT
3 - in the calibration imposed the desired ADU (I set a correct value for the linearity of the sensor)
4 - I expect that pressing OK ekos will start exposing to find the right time to satisfy my ADU

this doesn't happen so I don't understand how to proceed and I haven't found guides on it that explain well how to acquire flat.
Is it possible to have clarification on this? of course if I ignore the automatic calibration part, knowing that with my light whiteboard I have to expose for 0.77 seconds (given taken from canon histogram without EKOS) it works, but if I did not know the time how do I do it? or if I change the light source?
I ask once again for help at all! Thank you