justin Whitaker created a new topic ' Meridian Flip woes' in the forum. 5 months ago

Hi All,

I'm running Kstars/Ekos via an Astroberry installation (which I understand is quite outdated) with an EQ6-R Mount, using EQ-Mod, and have a torrid time with MF. I have it set to flip at 3 degrees past HA, however what happens is:

*Waiting for exposure to finish
*Meridian Flip Initiated <

It does perform a flip
*Plate solving
*Slew to target <
This is where the issues happen

Whatever I do, the mount will not slew to the target. It'll slew past it, but not to it, it feels as though there is a limit set somewhere that stops it however I have HA limits disabled on the mount tab. It generally happens close to zenith.

Is there another limit set somewhere that I can't see here? Would this be solved by migrating to the AstroArch distribution I've seen posted elsewhere?