Maciek replied to the topic 'indi_celestron_aux' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thank you guys for moving things forward !

Paweł - here are my points against "manually point at the moon and sync":
- Celestron does that in their hand controller and in SkyPortal. Think about it!
- there is no single hint for a user saying that first sync should be at horizon level - thus when doing first sync above horizon level user risk exactly the same - mount may cross unsafe regions. There is no guarantee where user point. In my humble opinion, the risk is exactly the same or maybe your way is even more dangerous actually, because there is no information for user about horizon first sync and user experiences moved from SkyPortal, hand controller or other app encourage user to point to do moon and sync. Your method gives exactly same risk or even greater
- when doing first alignment sync using plate solver or just syncing to the star with proper leveled mount, you got 0 error agains „some" error from trying to find Alt 0 Az 0 using your compass and spirit level :-P