Javier replied to the topic 'Kstars and INDi in separate desktop' in the forum. 4 years ago

Excuse me. I realise that now with one desktop I can minimize ekos the window.
The problem is solved. Thank you very much.


Javier replied to the topic 'Kstars and INDi in separate desktop' in the forum. 4 years ago

No I haven´t checked. Thanks.
But I only got one desktop. If I create more desktops, when I open Kstars the window seems to be stucked. I can´t move it or send it to another desktop.
I have to put the desktop settings to default to let the windows move again. But I came back to just one desktop again.


Javier created a new topic ' Kstars and INDi in separate desktop' in the forum. 4 years ago

Dear people.
I´m trying to send the INDI panel to another desktop but the two windows (planetarium and INDI) are moving together.
I saw in one video in youtube that you could put these windows separately. Is someone dealing with the same problem?


Thanks for you answer Paul.
I will try to find any other compatible software for planeraty imaging for the old QHY5.


Dear community.
I have Astroberry working fine with one old QHY5 mono camera in INDI/Ekos as a guide camera, installed in a RPi 3 model B.
The camera is completely recognized in INDI/Ekos server and it's working nicely.
The problem is coming when I open Firecapture or Oacapture for planetary imaging. Both programs don't recognize the camera.
Doesn't matter if the server is running or not, the camera is not opened.
I used CCDciel too with the server running and the camera is recognize ok. I'm confused about this.
I will please any help to see if I can solve the problem. Thanks.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    05. 12. 1968
  • About me
    I´m an amateur astronomer from Spain. Trying to setup Astroberry