I am using the entire KStar setup on the Mac i.e. using Mac KStar's Preferences->INDI-> with INDI Server ticked which gives *Internal INDI Server*.

Sorry, I didn't have time to find where error logging was being done, these pointers save me heaps of time thanks muchly. Shall have the EKOS focus logging and KStar device manager outputs collected when I set the rig up next, quite cloudy next few days in Melbourne.


I have recently started using KStar on a clean install MacOS Big Sur on a 2018 Retina mackbook pro. Celestron Focus motor is the only component that I am having trouble with, the bundled driver crashes every time on FM's calibration. Wonder if this an atypical problem or some one else has experienced it as well.


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  • Birthdate
    14. 03. 1965
  • About me
    I run a start-up that develops analytics for sensors.