Juan replied to the topic 'KStars on latest Raspberry Pi OS' in the forum. 4 years ago

Which raspberry OS are you using, 32 or 64 bits? i tryed the latest with 32bits from this december on a rpi4 8GB with kernel 5.4.79-v71+ and my devices that work on a ubuntu dosen't work with raspberry os.


Juan replied to the topic 'RPI4 GPS dongle' in the forum. 4 years ago

Nerbo wrote: Hi, this is amazing tip about GPS with phone, just one question, how to solve the UTC difference, because all works fine, ekos get the coordinates and time, but is one hour less then i have on my location.

Kind regards!

To fix that, i only need to setup up timezone on my pi, on my ubuntu on command line:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

or on my raspian with

sudo raspi-config

Kind regards!


Juan replied to the topic 'RPI4 GPS dongle' in the forum. 4 years ago

And another thing, i can found the "time and location" menu, how i can get it?

kind regards!


Juan replied to the topic 'RPI4 GPS dongle' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi, this is amazing tip about GPS with phone, just one question, how to solve the UTC difference, because all works fine, ekos get the coordinates and time, but is one hour less then i have on my location.

Kind regards!


Juan replied to the topic 'ToupTek GCMOS Driver' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi guys, i am new here!

I am newby on indi server too, i used for first time last year with my old meade ETX 70 and raspberry PI 3, and works amazing, i can remote everything with kstars and ekos, but because of the short backfocus on the meade ETX i can't use the DSLR i have (canon EOS600D), then on 11-11 i buyed a new camera from china, i think is a rebranded toucam with 178C sensor and a fan for dispate the heat (maybe is to big for my little telescope), then now i read if possible the camera dosen't works with indi server on raspberry pi 3 (arm)? i see you realeased some drivers and i can see here www.indilib.org/ccds/toupcam-cameras.html this is working for all toucam cameras, then i want to know (if is possible) if my camera works or not.

I think my camera is this model G3CMOS06300KPA from this site www.touptek.com/product/showproduct.php?lang=en&id=269 but with USB 3.0. as i say before i buyed from china (aliexpress) es.aliexpress.com/item/32801956751.html?... , if anyone have this camera or knows if work or not, maybe he can tell me.

And another question, what you mind about this camera? is a good choice, for plantary and deep space, for now with my little telescope (maximum 60 seconds of exposure), or you maybe chosse the mono version?

Kind regards and thank you in advance!


Juan replied to the topic 'Presentation and why can reply a topic?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you to admite me on the forums!

Anyone more with an ETX 70 or any ETX series here?



Juan created a new topic ' Presentation and why can reply a topic?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi, i am new here, i have ben using indi server with raspberry pi 3 from last year, to control my humble meade ETX 70 and a DSLR with all the etx 70 limitations, now i buyed a new camera to use with, but when i whant to reply a topic i can't post a reply, or i can't see the reply, i need to do anything special?

indiserver, kstars and ekos are amazing things, just ben discovering now!
kind regards and thank you!


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    07. 01. 1978
  • About me
    I like to use my telescope!