I will try this when I get home.... You just saved me a night of cursing lol.


I should add that I am using Astroberry


Ok, so I have been using the UBLOX GPS dongle and can't seem to get it to work consistently. I have my geographical location set in the RP4 config files and in Kstars as well. I have done all of my updates and have changed the config file for the GPS, changing DEVICES "/dev/tty/ACM0." In INDI, I use the GPSD driver, but have also tried the GPSDongle one as well. When I start EKOS, the GPS location will give me the incorrect coordinates. After I hit refresh GPS, it will sometimes load the correct ones and then jump back to the incorrect ones. After repeating the GPS refresh five or six times, it will usually stay locked on the correct coordinates for my location. Any advice on how to get this to work more reliably? Also, in the RP4 config file, I have my location set to EN_-8 I believe. I am not sure what correct location setting should be. I am at -8 UTC Pacific timezone on the west coast of the US. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Steve Duker created a new topic ' EKOS Saving Blank Photo to RP4' in the forum. 4 years ago

So I noticed last night that the images that EKOS was saving to the astroberry folder are just grey noise photos, with no stars visible. When I switch the program to save to my DSLR's memory card, then you can see the image without any issue. I'm not at home, so I can't load my log files, but does anyone have any idea what could be happening or what setting I could have messed up? In the past it never gave me problems, but I have been on a hiatus for the past two months waiting for a new mount. Thanks!


I’m new to ekos so bare with me if this an easy fix. I’m using a canon t3i and basically just using ekos for platesolving and image sequencing. Every other exposure is failing saying that I have to set a mirror lock up time if it’s enabled, except I have it disabled. Why would it be doing this?


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